Usis, Osis

Except that we got the suction consonant at Hahn and Vice, there is no other help M.B.T. the meaning. Laid on the statements at the Elversged River Usib (there) and at usakos (there seems reasonable to the meaning of 'sticky mud source' to this source name, 'Klokfontein', at Namaǃ u- = 'The CLAUS '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 374), expressed the word with high tone as opposed to the soundboy with middle tone, when it means' forehead '. The -Sis is placemend, with the lock-in particular to locate the source name.

About this item

Usis, Osis
Alternative Title
Usis, Osis
Georeference Sources
S 2517 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn Th 1879 map 'ǃ Usis', strain on the ǀ Ashab River. Vice 1893 card 'ǃ Usis'. Von Francois 1894 card, as at Hahn. Sprigade-Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Osis', all for the source in / to Ashaz River on the entailed height.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart ' ǃUsis', uitspanning aan die ǀAsabrivier. Kiepert 1893 kaart ' ǃUsis'. Von Francois 1894 kaart, soos by Hahn. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Osis', almal vir die bron in/aan Asabrivier op aangegewe hoogte.
eng Except that we got the suction consonant at Hahn and Vice, there is no other help M.B.T. the meaning. Laid on the statements at the Elversged River Usib (there) and at usakos (there seems reasonable to the meaning of 'sticky mud source' to this source name, 'Klokfontein', at Namaǃ u- = 'The CLAUS '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 374), expressed the word with high tone as opposed to the soundboy with middle tone, when it means' forehead '. The -Sis is placemend, with the lock-in particular to locate the source name.
afr Behalwe dat ons by Hahn en Kiepert die suigkonsonant gekry het, is daar geen ander hulp m.b.t. die betekenis nie. gelêt op die verklarings by die eldersgeleë rivier USIB (aldaar) en by USAKOS (aldaar) lyk dit redelik om aan hierdie bronnaam ook die betekenis ten grondslag te le van 'Klewerige modderbron', 'Kloufontein', by Nama ǃu- = 'die Klaue' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 374), die woord met hoogtoon uitgespreek in teenstelling met die klankbousel met middeltoon uitgespreek, wanneer dit 'voorkop' beteken. Die -sis is plekbenoemend, met die slot -s hier spesifiek ter lokativering van die bronnaam.
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