
After translating the returns of Knudsen and Hugo Hahn, it appears that in one respect, consensus is at all who pass the suction consonants, viz. That the second memberǃ Hu-B is for 'Erde, Erdgrund, Land' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 202). The difference is about the suction consonant of the first component. In our sources, it is first Dr. Vedder who started a little thirty years ago to understand the am asǃ Am = green, probably after analogy of other possible explanations of particular places. Along the same way, Mr Olsen and Smith (via Mr Jacobs) came out on the same statement. One can say the statement to himself. The fact remains that all our depsures from the last century heard the first component as ╪am, with the Palatal Schnalz. Also in our time it is heard by some observers, so by Bernhardt-Schmid for whom we did not cite above. They base their statement on ╪am = on, it is largely similar to Krenz. They say in Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 p. 8 That AmHub means 'water flow uphill'. As far as we are concerned, with the old returns before us, we believe that Mr Krenz may have equal, and to a greater or lesser extent the Lord Bernhardt, Schmid and Christian. We choose to Foundation ^ = Am = 'Abschiissig, Flach, Niedgen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 33), D.W.S. AmHub is 'downhill land', 'above ground', 'Levelland', 'Vlakplaas'. Topographically knocks it according to own observation, also linguistically it is in order.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2516 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 142 '... Von' Kosis über 'OSis UND: Am-' Hub Bis 'Nomas ...' [read as a Moritz 29/4 183 '... in Amhup' (read as amǃ Hupl. Andersson CJ 1852 Lake Ngami 312 '... We Removed Our Camp ... To ... Aerhoup'. Hahn th 1879 card '╪ Amǃ Hub ', Structure and Watery on S 2516. PNK 1947' Amhub. Nama:ǃ Am- Means 'green land', named after a number of dunes close to the homestead, because the dunes are usually first green. Information according to D.Smith '. Olsen JWO 1974 caretaker conversation' Amhub is actuallyǃ Am-ǃ Hub Field. ' a bill of exchange is 'Aarphouke' (Several 4).]
afr Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 142 '...von 'Kosis über 'Osis und :Am- 'hub bis 'Nomas...' [lees as ╪Am-ǃhub volgens sy eie stelstel.] Hahn C Hugo 1843 Reisen Moritz 29/4 183 ' Amhup' (lees as Am-ǃhupl. Andersson CJ 1852 lake Ngami 312 '...we removed our Aamhoup'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Am-ǃhub', uitspanning en waterplek op S 2516. PNK 1947 'Amhub. Nama: ǃAm-ǃhub = Grimes land. H. Vedder'. Jacobs CJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Amhub, plaas nr 78, dist. Maltahöhe. Beteken ‘Groengrond’, genoem na ’n aantal duine na aan die opstal, omrede die duine gewoonlik eerste groen is. Inligting volgens D.Smith'. Olsen JWO 1974 Opsigter Gesprek 'Amhub is eintlik ǃam-ǃhub, dit is ‘Groen Veld’.' Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'Dit is ╪Am-ǃhub. Dit is die bokantste grond, die noordegrond'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening '╪Am-ǃhub= afdraande land, of afdraand'. [Nog ’n wisselspelling is 'Aarmhoup' (Skead 4).]
eng Levelland, downhill country, shallow farm
afr Vlakland, Afdraande land, Vlakplaas
eng After translating the returns of Knudsen and Hugo Hahn, it appears that in one respect, consensus is at all who pass the suction consonants, viz. That the second memberǃ Hu-B is for 'Erde, Erdgrund, Land' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 202). The difference is about the suction consonant of the first component. In our sources, it is first Dr. Vedder who started a little thirty years ago to understand the am asǃ Am = green, probably after analogy of other possible explanations of particular places. Along the same way, Mr Olsen and Smith (via Mr Jacobs) came out on the same statement. One can say the statement to himself. The fact remains that all our depsures from the last century heard the first component as ╪am, with the Palatal Schnalz. Also in our time it is heard by some observers, so by Bernhardt-Schmid for whom we did not cite above. They base their statement on ╪am = on, it is largely similar to Krenz. They say in Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 p. 8 That AmHub means 'water flow uphill'. As far as we are concerned, with the old returns before us, we believe that Mr Krenz may have equal, and to a greater or lesser extent the Lord Bernhardt, Schmid and Christian. We choose to Foundation ^ = Am = 'Abschiissig, Flach, Niedgen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 33), D.W.S. AmHub is 'downhill land', 'above ground', 'Levelland', 'Vlakplaas'. Topographically knocks it according to own observation, also linguistically it is in order.
afr Nadat ons die opgawes van Knudsen en Hugo Hahn getranslitereer het, blyk dit dat daar in een opsig eenstemmigheid is by almal wat die suigkonsonante aangee, nl. dat die tweede lid ǃhu-b is vir 'Erde, Erdgrund, land' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 202). Die verskil gaan oor die suigkonsonant van die eerste kompo- nent. In ons bronne is dit eers dr Vedder wat ’n klein dertig jaar gelede begin het om die am- te verstaan as ǃam = groen, waarskynlik na analogie van ander moontlike verklarings van bepaalde plekke. langs dieselfde weg het ook mnr Olsen en Smith (via mnr Jacobs) op dieselfde verklaring uitgekom. ’n Mens kan se die verklaring bied horn vanself aan. Feit bly dat al ons segsliede uit die vorige eeu die eerste komponent gehoor het as ╪am, met die palatale schnalz. Ook nog in ons tyd word dit so gehoor deur sommige waarnemers, so deur Bernhardt-Schmid vir wie ons hierbo nie aangehaal het nie. Hulle baseer hulle verklaring op ╪am = op, dit stem grootliks ooreen met Krenz. Hulle se in Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 p. 8 dat Amhub beteken ‘Water vloei opdraand’. Wat ons betref, met die ou opgawes voor ons, meen ons dat mnr Krenz gelyk kan he, en in meerdere of mindere mate ook die here Bernhardt, Schmid en Christian. Ons kies tot grondslag ^=am = 'abschiissig, flach, niedrig' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 33), d.w.s. Amhub is 'Afdraande land', 'Bokantste grond', 'Vlakland', 'Vlakplaas'. Topografies klop dit volgens eie waarneming, ook taalkundig is dit in orde.
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