Dubuseb / Duwuseb

The name is recorded late and we must leave the help, which are often offered from early documentation in difficult cases. There is now everywhere uncertainty that leads to suspicions that are often in contradiction, eg. 'White Chalk Place' (Green) and 'black cups' (Bernhardt-Schmid), 'with wood' and 'bustling, grinding water'. The question of the meaning is, so it seems to us, still open. This applies to the farm and for the river flowing through it, as well as for the 'Duwisiberplats', a mountain. We want here an opinion air n.a.v. A communication from Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 92 'ǀ Awiǃ The 'Diabitsirub', composed of DIIBI plus-Tsirub, creates suspicions if it is located along with the descriptions of Mr Von Kuno, the farm manager. The -tsiru is for 'bow', actually a rope, and the DIIBI is apparently changing ruling of ǀ AWI = rain, earlier Dawi. We play with the idea of ​​reading Duwisib: -SI-B as a locative, and the Duwi (Dubi) as rain, or completely shortened to 'Duwisub' for 'rainbow', m.a.w. The place's name is 'rainfall' or 'rainbow spot'.

About this item

Dubuseb / Duwuseb
Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2516 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
Dubuseb, Duwuseb*
Dubuseb / Duwuseb
eng Sprigade Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Duwisib'. Green L 1950 So Few Are Free 246 'Duwisib is a Hottentot Name Meaning 'The White Chalk Place Without Water'.' Rust DR HJ 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 6 '(1). Mr. von Kuno writes: 'After a long inquiry, I would tell me that Duwisib comes from Dubuseep, which means a thundering, rotating water hole soil. This spot is located on the Farm Duwisib below a waterfall. (2). After Bernhardt and his heath, the Nama preacher Peter Schmid, Duwisib means: Plek van Swart Koppies and the right name is ╪nu-Gub. (3). According to the native employee of the language biro ... the name is no longer interpreted ... 'Miller WB 1971 SESA 4 144' Duwisib is a Nama Word Indicating Scarcity of Water '. From Kunow BD 1973 Plaasbestuurder Vraelys 'Duwisib, 80 km van Maltahehe AF, Plaas Nr 84, Betken 'painting, Bruise Water', Vanweë Water Wat Oor 'N Waterval in' N painting Watergat Stort. Inliging crig van 80-Jarige Boer, J. van Lill '. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Speech 'Duwisib Pressken Woonplek Van Family Tot Family, Van Settay Tot Silgen'. Boois J 1974 Taalhulp Aantekening 'Daar is' N Damarawoord Duisib, -S = The Plek Waar The Vader Gewon Het; AS Hy Sterf, Kom Woon the SEUR OP The Plek, En So Hou Dit Aan '. Olsen JWO 1974 OPSIZEM TABLE OP BAND 'DUWUSEB WIL SE: HE HET WEGGERAAK onder the Water. Dit moes in the namatyd gewees het. Party Van Hulle Het twisted in Dardie Rivier, Duwu is onder the Water Gaan '.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Duwisib'. Green l 1950 So few are free 246 'Duwisib is a Hottentot name meaning ‘the white chalk place without water’.' Rust dr HJ 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 6 '(1). Herr von Kuno schreibt: ’Nach langerer Erkundigung würde mir mitgeteilt, dass Duwisib von Dubusep entstammt, welches ein tosendes, sich drehendes Wasserloch bedeuten soil. Diese Stelle befindet sich auf der Farm Duwisib unterhalb eines Was- serfalls’. (2). Nach Bernhardt und seinem Heifer, dem Nama-Prediger Petrus Schmid, bedeutet Duwisib: Plek van Swart Koppies und der richtige Name sei ╪Nu-Gub. (3). Nach Auskunft des Eingeborenenmitarbeiters des Sprachbiiros...ist der Name nicht mehr deutbar...' Miller WB 1971 SESA 4 144 'Duwisib is a Nama word indicating scarcity of water'. Von Kunow BD 1973 Plaasbestuurder Vraelys 'Duwisib, 80 km van Maltahöhe af, plaas nr 84, beteken ‘Malende, Bruisende Water’, vanweë water wat oor ’n waterval in ’n malende watergat stort. Inligting verkry van 80-jarige boer, J. van lill'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Gesprek 'Duwisib beteken woonplek van familie tot familie, van geslag tot geslag'. Boois J 1974 Taalhulp Aantekening 'Daar is ’n Damarawoord duisib, -s = die plek waar die vader gewoon het; as hy sterf, kom woon die seun op die plek, en so hou dit aan'. Olsen JWO 1974 Opsigter Gesprek op band 'Duwuseb wil se: hy het weg- geraak onder die water. Dit moes in die Namatyd gewees het. Party van hulle het verdrink in daardie rivier, duwu is onder die water gaan'.
eng The name is recorded late and we must leave the help, which are often offered from early documentation in difficult cases. There is now everywhere uncertainty that leads to suspicions that are often in contradiction, eg. 'White Chalk Place' (Green) and 'black cups' (Bernhardt-Schmid), 'with wood' and 'bustling, grinding water'. The question of the meaning is, so it seems to us, still open. This applies to the farm and for the river flowing through it, as well as for the 'Duwisiberplats', a mountain. We want here an opinion air n.a.v. A communication from Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 92 'ǀ Awiǃ The 'Diabitsirub', composed of DIIBI plus-Tsirub, creates suspicions if it is located along with the descriptions of Mr Von Kuno, the farm manager. The -tsiru is for 'bow', actually a rope, and the DIIBI is apparently changing ruling of ǀ AWI = rain, earlier Dawi. We play with the idea of ​​reading Duwisib: -SI-B as a locative, and the Duwi (Dubi) as rain, or completely shortened to 'Duwisub' for 'rainbow', m.a.w. The place's name is 'rainfall' or 'rainbow spot'.
afr Die naam is laat opgeteken en ons moet die hulp ontbeer wat in moeilike gevalle dikwels uit vroeë dokumentasie gebied word. Daar is nou orals onsekerheid wat tot vermoedens lei wat dikwels met mekaar in teenspraak is, bv. 'White chalk place' (Green) en 'Swart Koppies' (Bernhardt-Schmid), 'Without water' en 'Bruisende, malende water'. Die vraag na die betekenis is, so lyk dit vir ons, nog oop. Dit geld vir die plaas en vir die rivier wat daardeur vloei, asook vir die 'Duwisiberplatte', ’n berg. Ons wil hier ’n opinie lug n.a.v. ’n mededeling van Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 92 'ǀAwi-ǃhanab ist Regenbogen, ein von Kroenlein gebildetes Wort für Tsawab und Diibitsirub'. Die 'Diibitsirub', saamgestel uit diibi- plus-tsirub, wek vermoedens as dit geleës word saam met die beskrywings van mnr Von Kuno, die plaasbestuurder. Die -tsiru is vir 'boog', eintlik ’n tou, en die diibi- is blykbaar wisseluitspraak van ǀawi = reen, vroeër dawi-. Ons speel met die gedagte om Duwisib so te lees: -si-b as lokatief, en die Duwi- (dubi-) as reen, of die geheel verkort tot 'Duwisub' vir 'reenboog', m.a.w. die plek se naam is 'Reenplek' of 'Reenboogplek'.
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