
Located purely east of Gibeon, just at the foot of the White Rand, it was a well-known for travelers of old; The Rhine mission had an outpost there. The name is still carried by a farm, Goamus No. 70, and Goamus-ost 69. Zbu VK 44 1919 Refer to a place Schuous eye that has been changed to Klippfontein A, Spreadbox Specific, specifically as the alternative name by 1904 But it seems the translation became disused. Weber farm, indeed wrong, on the o of Goa- a hood. Goa is in Nama 'to foam', and Mus = eye, at mu = see. Cfg. Still, with interconnection, Gaumus. The name is N.A.A. the bubbling resource water.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2518 A A
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Kroenlein 1855 sources 10 132 'Koamus (foam eye)'. Aldaar 149 'Goamus, a source beyond fish flow, which means 'foam eye'. OOK ELDERS, BV. Sources 11 220 EN 285. OLPP J SNR 1868 Sources 16 15 'Goamus (foaming eye)'. Weber FW 1862 Sources 7 34 '... the occupation of Goamus by kido ...' Judt E 1895 sources 6 158 'We traveled Liber ǀ GUI ǀǀ Ganabis ... to Goamus'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Goamus (Schuimoog)'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Speaking 'Goamus is borreloog'.
afr Kroenlein 1855 Quellen 10 132 'Koamus (Schaumauge)'. Aldaar 149 'Goamus, eine Quelle jenseits des Fischflusses, die auf Deutsch ‘Schaumauge’ heisst'. Ook elders, bv. Quellen 11 220 en 285. Olpp J snr 1868 Quellen 16 15 'Goamus (schaumendes Auge)'. Weber FW 1862 Quellen 7 34 '...die Besetzung von Goamus durch Kido...' Judt E 1895 Quellen 6 158 'Wir reisten liber ǀGui-ǀǀganabis ... nach Goamus'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Goamus (Schuimoog)'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'Goamus is Borreloog'.
eng Located purely east of Gibeon, just at the foot of the White Rand, it was a well-known for travelers of old; The Rhine mission had an outpost there. The name is still carried by a farm, Goamus No. 70, and Goamus-ost 69. Zbu VK 44 1919 Refer to a place Schuous eye that has been changed to Klippfontein A, Spreadbox Specific, specifically as the alternative name by 1904 But it seems the translation became disused. Weber farm, indeed wrong, on the o of Goa- a hood. Goa is in Nama 'to foam', and Mus = eye, at mu = see. Cfg. Still, with interconnection, Gaumus. The name is N.A.A. the bubbling resource water.
afr geleë suiwer oos van Gibeon, net aan die voet van die Witrand, was dit vir reisigers van ouds ’n bekende uitspanning; die Rynse sending het daar ’n buitepos gehad. Die naam word nog gedra deur ’n plaas, Goamus nr 70, en Goamus-Ost 69. ZBu V K 44 1919 verwys na ’n plek Schuimoog wat verander is tot Klippfontein A, Sprigade-Moisel gee Schuimoog spesifiek op as die alternatiewe naam teen 1904, maar dit lyk of die vertaling in onbruik geraak het. Weber plaas, wel ten onregte, op die o van Goa- ’n kappie. Goa is in Nama 'om te skuim', en mus = oog, by mu = sien. Vgl. nog, met wisselspel- ling, GAUMUS. Die naam is n.a.v. die opborrelende bronwater.
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