
The same game form as at Hahn is now repeated when it is written with clap sounds, and without it at gour. According to the Artulatory Chronology, Gorth's remark on the placement of the second slap is indeed correct, even if the orthographic chronology gives it differently - a very interesting pointǃ [We believe that Nlanis, according to the old kimograph, gives a better reading than the currentǃ Nanisǃ] Kleinschmidt's Schnalz before the said component is apparently not pure audience. The ╪o- = narrow, narrow, now, the -ǃ Nani- = 'Billandrand' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 280), a name part we get in eg. ǃ Uriǃ Nanib for 'white edge'. Our name means 'narrow', 'Nourand'. It was earlier the name of an expansion, sources (called wholesale and small-onanis) and from a river that walked in the weak (S 2215 of DC to CB), and from a port (T Baines 1877 Gold Regions 193). Today, a farm also carries the name, No. 121, Dist. Karibib. As grazing, Onanis is already faith by Andersson CJ 1850 Lake Ngami 82.

About this item

Alternative Title
Onanis (Groot- En Klein-)
Georeference Sources
S 2415 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Gorth M 1852 Sources 3 2 'Our shutter off was Onanis. This name will work with 2 flaps, the first at the beginning of the word, and the other pronounced before the 'a' '. Chapman J 1861 Travels / 378 'We Next Proceeded to ... A River Coming from Onanies, Or, As it Has Since Been Facetiously Called, Old Nanny ...' Kleinschmidt FH 1864 sources 20 119 '╪0- ǀ Nanis'. Hahn TH 1879 KAART 'FOǃ NANIS '(UITSPANNING OP 22 ° 49' 15 ° 35 '). Haibeb P (Hoofman, Topnaars) 1884 Letter No 73 in Quel Len 15 '╪0ǃ Nan is ', ['n Wisselspelling Is, Volgens Skeead 1973 Gazetteer 169, O.M. Annaas.]
afr Gorth M 1852 Quellen 3 2 'Unser nachster Ausspannplatz war Onanis. Dieser Name wird mit 2 Klappen, dem ersten am Anfang des Wortes, und dem anderen vor dem ‘a' ausgesprochen'. Chapman J 1861 Travels / 378 'We next proceeded to...a river coming from Onanies, or, as it has since been facetiously called, Old Nanny...' Kleinschmidt FH 1864 Quellen 20 119 ' ╪0-ǀnanis'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart ‘fO-ǃnanis' (uitspanning op 22° 49' 15° 35'). Haibeb P (hoofman, Topnaars) 1884 brief nr 73 in Quel len 15 ' ╪0 ǃ nan is', [’n Wisselspelling is, volgens Skead 1973 Gazetteer 169, o.m. Annaas.]
eng The same game form as at Hahn is now repeated when it is written with clap sounds, and without it at gour. According to the Artulatory Chronology, Gorth's remark on the placement of the second slap is indeed correct, even if the orthographic chronology gives it differently - a very interesting pointǃ [We believe that Nlanis, according to the old kimograph, gives a better reading than the currentǃ Nanisǃ] Kleinschmidt's Schnalz before the said component is apparently not pure audience. The ╪o- = narrow, narrow, now, the -ǃ Nani- = 'Billandrand' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 280), a name part we get in eg. ǃ Uriǃ Nanib for 'white edge'. Our name means 'narrow', 'Nourand'. It was earlier the name of an expansion, sources (called wholesale and small-onanis) and from a river that walked in the weak (S 2215 of DC to CB), and from a port (T Baines 1877 Gold Regions 193). Today, a farm also carries the name, No. 121, Dist. Karibib. As grazing, Onanis is already faith by Andersson CJ 1850 Lake Ngami 82.
afr Dieselfde spelvorm soos by Hahn word nou telkens herhaal wanneer dit met klapklanke geskryf word, en daarsonder soos reeds by Gorth. Volgens die ar- tikulatoriese chronologie is Gorth se opmerking oor die plasing van die tweede klap inderdaad korrek, al gee die ortografiese chronologie dit anders aan - 'n heel interessante puntǃ [Ons meen dat nlanis volgens die ou kimograaf ’n beter lesing gee as die huidige ǃnanisǃ] Kleinschmidt se schnalz voor die genoemde komponent is klaarblyklik nie suiwer gehoor gewees nie. Die ╪o- = eng, smal, nou, die -ǃnani- = 'Gebirgsrand' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 280), ’n naamdeel wat ons kry in bv. ǃUri-ǃnanib vir 'Witrand'. Ons naam beteken 'Smalrand', 'Nourand'. Dit was vroeër die naam van 'n uitspan- ning, bronne (genoem Groot- en Klein-Onanis) en van ’n riviertjie wat in die Swakop geloop het (S 2215 van DC na CB), en van ’n poort (T Baines 1877 Gold Regions 193). Vandag dra ook ’n plaas die naam, nr 121, dist. Karibib. As weiding is Onanis reeds geloof deur Andersson CJ 1850 lake Ngami 82.
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