
The river was recorded quite prominently by both cardmakers, but at the lateren it lacks about, or is just stunned, and anonymous. The -exa, also -Cha-, is the quantityuffix. The ǀ Game is uncertain, perhaps to think about the meaning of 'bigamie' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 75). Poetisings are then possible, eg. That the river has many tributaries (or attendances), but even though there is just below a 'Zwillingsrivier', it seems very unlikely for us to be so declared. Striking how few people give up this name. The river (the -b of the ml. Soundable can also be thought of 'delicious wave', cf. Gaicab in th a * 353-4.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2417 CB/DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn 1879 map 'ǀ Gamexab', a creek / river leading from the west into the Haribes Dam. Sprigade Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Game Chab'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀGamexab', ’n spruitjie/riviertjie wat van die weste af uitloop in die Haribesdam. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Game- chab'.
eng The river was recorded quite prominently by both cardmakers, but at the lateren it lacks about, or is just stunned, and anonymous. The -exa, also -Cha-, is the quantityuffix. The ǀ Game is uncertain, perhaps to think about the meaning of 'bigamie' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 75). Poetisings are then possible, eg. That the river has many tributaries (or attendances), but even though there is just below a 'Zwillingsrivier', it seems very unlikely for us to be so declared. Striking how few people give up this name. The river (the -b of the ml. Soundable can also be thought of 'delicious wave', cf. Gaicab in th a * 353-4.
afr Die riviertjie is deur albei kaartmakers taamlik prominent ingeteken, maar by die lateres ontbreek dit so ongeveer, of is net ingestippel, en naamloos. Die -xa-, ook -cha-, is wel die hoeveelheidsuffiks. Die ǀgame- is onseker, miskien is te dink aan die betekenis van 'Bigamie' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 75). Poetiserings is dan moontlik, bv. dat die riviertjie baie sytakke (of bywywe) het, maar al is daar net onderkant ’n 'Zwillingsrivier', lyk dit vir ons erg onwaarskynlik dat dit so te verklaar is. Opvallend hoe min persone hierdie naam opgee. Die riviertjie (die -b van die ml. ekv. is in sulke ge- valle teken van rivier- of spruitname) voed (volgens dr Hahn) die 11Haii- bes╪gab of 'Vlei van die Velskoendraerstam', vandag die Haribesdam genoem. Klankmatig kan ook gedink word aan 'lekkerweiding', vgl. GA- MIGAB in TH A* 353-4.
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