
Some interesting spelling variants above. Only the Germans specify the suction consonant, each other than the cerebralǃ Except that Rev. Hugo Hahn 1843- 4 heard the resulting ╪, to read his' usip as ╪ ljsip. In addition, we get the similar statement at the early Alexander and the slightly later Namakenner Vollmer 1853. Foundation is Namaǃ U-S (with height) =. Claw (Rust 1960 DNW 35), The -ib is a place nominous suffix, with the lock-B specific to the (long) river that is phallies felt for the genus grouping. So: 'Klour River', such as at Vollmer, adds here.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2416/2417
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander Je 1836 EDIA 1 294 'We Reached The Arigha's Oup, Which We Crossed Twice ... WeHold ... At The Oosep (Or Foot) River', OP S 2416. Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 142 '. ..by 'karabib to 'USIB LLEES :ǃ USIB 1, always the Unumage Mountains to the right ...' Hahn CH 1843-4 Travel Moritz 29/4 183 'At the departure of' USIP ...' Galton 1851 Narrative 26 ' We bivouacked ... at the entrance of the gorge that leads down to oosop '. Vollmer FH 1853 sources 5 36' ... the fusib flow (claw flow) ... 'Ilees AS MJSIBflau.] [Intlik Vir USIB 2217], Gorth 1852 Travel Moritz 29/4 250 '... In the evening we came to a river Fusib ...' Ilees Iusib.1 Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'ǃ USIB R.' op 2416, ten van nomtsas
afr Alexander JE 1836 EDIA 1 294 'We reached the Arigha 'Oup, which we crossed twice...we halted...at the Oosep (or Foot) river', op S 2416. Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 142 '...von 'Karabib nach 'Usib llees: ǃUsib 1, immer das Unumagebirge zur Rechten habend...' Hahn CH 1843-4 Reisen Moritz 29/4 183 'Beim Aufbruch von ’Usip...' Galton 1851 Narrative 26 'We bivouacked...at the entrance of the gorge that leads down to Oosop'. Vollmer FH 1853 Quellen 5 36 '...den fUsibfluss (Klauenfluss)...' Ilees as MJsibfluss.] [Eintlik vir USIB 2217], Gorth 1852 Reise Moritz 29/4 250 '...abends kamen wir zu einem Flusse fUsib...' Ilees IUsib.1 Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǃUsib R.' op 2416, ten weste van Nomtsas
eng Some interesting spelling variants above. Only the Germans specify the suction consonant, each other than the cerebralǃ Except that Rev. Hugo Hahn 1843- 4 heard the resulting ╪, to read his' usip as ╪ ljsip. In addition, we get the similar statement at the early Alexander and the slightly later Namakenner Vollmer 1853. Foundation is Namaǃ U-S (with height) =. Claw (Rust 1960 DNW 35), The -ib is a place nominous suffix, with the lock-B specific to the (long) river that is phallies felt for the genus grouping. So: 'Klour River', such as at Vollmer, adds here.
afr Enkele interessante spellingvariante hierbo. Alleen die Duitsers spesifiseer die suigkonsonant, telkens as die serebrale ǃ behalwe dat eerw. Hugo Hahn 1843- 4 die daarnaasliggende ╪ gehoor het, sy 'Usip te lees as ╪ lJsip. Daarby kry ons die eenderse verklaring by die vroeë Alexander en die effens latere Namakenner Vollmer 1853. Grondslag is Nama ǃu-s (met hoogtoon) =. klou (Rust 1960 DNW 35), die -sib is 'n plekbenoemende suffiks, met die slot-b spesifiek vir die (langerige) rivier wat fallies aangevoel word vir die genusgroepering. Dus: 'Klourivier', soos by Vollmer, hier bygehaal.
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