
It is the big farm No. 26, directly north of Maltahöhe, on the highway. The statements depart from the statements also the farthest. Those who can contact the local conditions, such as the farm owner Mr Voigts, see the nom such as Nama stupid, also Tom = 'Sinken, Einsinken' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 56), a change of N-, D- and T- who also know Ou-Cape (cf. Hott 179 and 183); Others like Bernhardt-Schmid and Cochrane connect it to the understanding of quiet. It also does Krenz FK 1974 in his note where he writes 'Num = slow, calm; Inumtsas = slowly but surely running water '. Krenz goes out of the word with the cerebral suction consonant, exactly as documented by the Namalier Witbooi and by experts such as Hahn, Heinrichs, Bernhardt-Schmid and inheritance, eg. Pastor HK DEHL SN 1955 to the PNC SWA (not quoted). Therefore provisionally as given by Krenz.

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Georeference Sources
S 2416
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1879 map 'inomtsas', outperform. Witbooi 1892 Vrv 9 130 '... that I have no permisi, to dire on Inomtsas ...' [In letter to Mr Hermann, one of the first German farmers in Southwest later on Nomtsas, north of the present Maltahöhe , on a large scale with wool sheep, according to footnote on p. 129.] Heinrichs F 1899 QUELEN 4 129 'Inomtsas, Das Etwa 8-9 Stunden von Grootfontein Etfernt Liege ...' PNK 1947 'Nomtsas'. Carbus stop on farm, 61 km north of Maltahöhe. 'Nama:ǃ Nom-Tsas = Ort, Wed Man Versukte Zu Stampfen. H. Vedder '. BERNHAHART-SCHMID 1970 MITT 11/5 Aug. 1970 9 'Nomtsas No. 26, Nama Inomtsas (Aises) = continuous fountain that runs softly'. VOIGTS HJ 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'Nomtsas, farm No. 26, Dist. Maltahöhe. Means 'where the water settles', of nom = sink; Place the Fish River that has many water holes '. Cochrane L 1974 Town Clerk Conversion 'Nomtsas, nom is quiet, the quiet corner is Nomtsas ... The river gives a sharp turn, a hook, the corner is quiet'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'INomtsas', uitspanplek. Witbooi 1892 VRV 9 130 '...dat ik U geen permisi geef, om op INomtsas te wonen...' [in brief aan mnr Hermann, een van die eerste Duitse boere in Suidwes om later op Nomtsas, noord van die teenswoordige Maltahöhe, op groot skaal met wolskape te boer, volgens voetnoot op bl. 129.] Heinrichs F 1899 Quellen 4 129 'INomtsas, das etwa 8-9 Stunden von Groot- fontein entfernt liegt...' PNK 1947 'Nomtsas'. Motorbushalte op plaas, 61 km noord van Maltahöhe. 'Nama: ǃNom-tsas = Ort, wo man versuchte zu stampfen. H. Vedder'. Bernhardt-Schmid 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 9 'Nomtsas nr 26, Nama INomtsas (Aises) = Aaneenlopende fontein wat sag loop'. Voigts HJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Nomtsas, plaas nr 26, dist. Maltahöhe. Beteken ‘Waar die water afsak’, van nom = afsak; plaas le aan die Visrivier wat baie Watergate het'. Cochrane l 1974 Stadsklerk Gesprek 'Nomtsas, nom is stil, die stil hoek is Nomtsas...Die rivier gee daar 'n skerp draai, ’n winkelhaak, die hoek is stil'.
eng It is the big farm No. 26, directly north of Maltahöhe, on the highway. The statements depart from the statements also the farthest. Those who can contact the local conditions, such as the farm owner Mr Voigts, see the nom such as Nama stupid, also Tom = 'Sinken, Einsinken' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 56), a change of N-, D- and T- who also know Ou-Cape (cf. Hott 179 and 183); Others like Bernhardt-Schmid and Cochrane connect it to the understanding of quiet. It also does Krenz FK 1974 in his note where he writes 'Num = slow, calm; Inumtsas = slowly but surely running water '. Krenz goes out of the word with the cerebral suction consonant, exactly as documented by the Namalier Witbooi and by experts such as Hahn, Heinrichs, Bernhardt-Schmid and inheritance, eg. Pastor HK DEHL SN 1955 to the PNC SWA (not quoted). Therefore provisionally as given by Krenz.
afr Dit is die groot plaas nr 26, direk noord van Maltahöhe, aan die hoofweg. Van die verklarings wyk die van dr Vedder ook hier die verste af. Diegene wat met kennis van die plaaslike toestande kan meepraat, soos die plaaseienaar mnr Voigts, sien die nom soos Nama dom, ook tom = 'sinken, einsinken' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 56), ’n wisseling van n-, d- en t- wat ook Ou-Kaaps ken (vgl. HOTT 179 en 183); ander soos Bernhardt-Schmid en Cochrane verbind dit met die begrip van stil wees/sag loop. Dit doen ook Krenz FK 1974 in sy Aantekening hierby waar hy skryf 'ǃnum = stadig, bedaard; INumtsas = stadig maar seker lopende water'. Krenz gaan uit van die woord met die serebrale suigkonsonant, presies soos gedokumenteer deur die Namaleier Witbooi en deur kenners soos Hahn, Heinrichs, Bernhardt-Schmid en ongenoemdes, bv. pastor HK Diehl snr 1955 aan die PNK-SWA (nie aangehaal nie). Dus voorlopig soos by Krenz aangegee.
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