
According to Knudsen's system that also follows Hahn, they are sucking consonantsǃ and the D.W.S. Knudsen writes Inarob, Hahn ╪narup, LG. The adjacent blow, visually organized. Alexander and Moritz whose statements actually oppose each other bring the name related to stones, e.g. The statement entirely joins Kreenley 1889 Wortschatz 247 'Inaro = Stey Aus Dem Wow Raumen', LG. It's statement at Kreenley's 'Ste Eammeln', viz. Inarodi he carefully describes, or better at Kreenley's Inarugu = 'Steinigt signal'. The -B (-P) for the Masc. Sing, here also has place-point value, viz. for a river (elongated impression). The river flows from south to north to its eruption.

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Georeference Sources
S 2416/2417
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Alexander Je 1836 EDIA / 295 'Next Day WE Halted at the Narop River, Or That Whose Bed is free of stones ...' Igeleë Tussen Bethanien en Windhoek.] Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 144 'Lunch we rode away and slept ... beyond '' narob. This river '' Narob is just in the middle of Bethania and Elberfeld ... 'Elahn Ch 1843-4 Travel Moritz 29/4 183' (you) accompanied us to 'Narup, Woself a busherman, Bergdamra and Namaquadorfchen stands ' . Moritz 1972 MS TOPNAARS 9A 'From Aussinanis a mile further passes into an interesting area with light brown, crescent-shaped stones that tore out of the ground, often in rows one behind the other or even alone. Inaroti is called these stones. Narob would be the place called the Rivier, aptly to Inarob, what in the Nama 'Round Cliff' means ... '
afr Alexander JE 1836 EDIA / 295 'Next day we halted at the Narop river, or that whose bed is free of stones...' Igeleë tussen Bethanien en Windhoek.] Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 144 'Mittags ritten wir weg und schliefen...jenseits ’’Narob. Dieser Fluss ’’Narob liegt gerade in der Mitte zwischen Bethanien und Elberfeld...' Elahn CH 1843-4 Reisen Moritz 29/4 183 '(Sie) begleiteten uns bis 'Narup, woselbst ein Buschmann-, Bergdamra- und Namaquadorfchen stehet'. Moritz 1972 ms Topnaars 9a 'Von Aussinanis eine Meile weiter gelangt man in eine interessante Gegend mit hellbraunen, halbmondgeformten Steinen, die aus dem Boden aufragen, oft in Reihen hintereinander oder auch allein. INaroti nennt man diese Steine. Narob würde der Platz genannt am Rivier, treffend nach Inarob, was im Nama ’runder Klippe’ bedeutet...'
eng According to Knudsen's system that also follows Hahn, they are sucking consonantsǃ and the D.W.S. Knudsen writes Inarob, Hahn ╪narup, LG. The adjacent blow, visually organized. Alexander and Moritz whose statements actually oppose each other bring the name related to stones, e.g. The statement entirely joins Kreenley 1889 Wortschatz 247 'Inaro = Stey Aus Dem Wow Raumen', LG. It's statement at Kreenley's 'Ste Eammeln', viz. Inarodi he carefully describes, or better at Kreenley's Inarugu = 'Steinigt signal'. The -B (-P) for the Masc. Sing, here also has place-point value, viz. for a river (elongated impression). The river flows from south to north to its eruption.
afr Volgens Knudsen se stelsel wat ook Hahn volg, is hulle suigkonsonante die ǃ en die d.w.s. Knudsen skryf INarob, Hahn ╪Narup, lg. die aangrensende slag, visueel georden. Alexander en Moritz wie se verklarings mekaar eintlik opponeer, bring die naam in verband met klippe, e.g. se verklaring sluit heeltemal aan by Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 247 ' Inaro = Steine aus dem Wege raumen', lg. se verklaring by Kroenlein se 'Steine sammeln', nl. Inarodi wat hy noukeurig beskryf, of beter by Kroenlein se Inarugu = 'steinigt sein'. Die -b (-p) vir die masc. sing, het hier ook plekaanduidende waarde, nl. vir ’n rivier (langwerpige indruk). Die rivier vloei van suid na noord op tot sy uitwatering.
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