
It is farm No. 4, District Maltahöhe, S 2416 AC. The difference is about the second member, viz. Whether it's ikhoro = limestone is ikho- = pipe. The soundbird shows o.I. More in the direction of the second statement, which was also advocated by a local person. 'White stone'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2416
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng BERNHAHART-SCHMID 1970 MITT 11/5 Aug. 1970 10 'Urikos No. 4 (Namaǃ Uri Ikoros) = Place where lime soil is'. Olsen JWO 1974 caretaker conversation 'ǃ Uriǃ Food, it means 'white pipe'; In this world, the skinny, from green to white, and of this, pipes are made ... a straight stone with a hole door '
afr Bernhardt-Schmid 1970 Mitt 11/5 Aug. 1970 10 'Urikos nr 4 (Nama ǃUri- Ikoros) = Plek waar kalkgrond is'. Olsen JWO 1974 Opsigter Gesprek 'ǃUri-ǃkos, dit beteken 'wit pyp’; in hierdie wêreld is speksteen, van groen tot wit, en hiervan word pype gemaak...’n reguit klip met ’n gaatjie deur'
eng It is farm No. 4, District Maltahöhe, S 2416 AC. The difference is about the second member, viz. Whether it's ikhoro = limestone is ikho- = pipe. The soundbird shows o.I. More in the direction of the second statement, which was also advocated by a local person. 'White stone'.
afr Dit is plaas nr 4, distrik Maltahöhe, S 2416 AC. Die verskil is oor die tweede lid, nl. of dit Ikhoro = kalksteen is dan wel Ikho- = pyp. Die klankbousel wys o.i. meer in die rigting van die tweede verklaring, wat ook deur ’n plaaslike persoon voorgestaan is. 'Witpypsteen'.
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