
We already discussed N.A.v. The owner's communication, cf. Th a ** 784-5 under the spelling Kowithimas; On the map of 1968 spelled Kowhitimas, with a K- versus the vessels or older G-, and with -w, also -WH, to the parent-B, which are both normal pronunciation variants. The verdict was apparently very loose, cf. Also, the -t-emas besides the -t-amas and the -t imas. The farm got its name from the Pan, cf. Voucher. The 1968 map shows one large and two smaller pans. So far, we did not make a statement that reassured and redeem. Unfortunately, the sucking consonants are also missing. In his note hereby, Mr FK Krenz is farming 1979 as a possibility, descending on the sound building, 'Ikhobei = anphass, half; TAMAS = VERNEINUNG - IKHOBATETMA: 'WARUM (HAST) HOLDEN DU MIR NICHT?) '

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2419 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Vice 1893 card 'gobeitemas', a pan. DSWA Series 1911 Blatt 21 ARAOB 'Gobeitamas'. SWA Series 1968 2418 Aranos 'Kowhitimas', farm No. 439.
afr Kiepert 1893 kaart 'Gobeitemas', 'n pan. DSWA-reeks 1911 Blatt 21 Ara- hoab 'Gobeitamas'. SWA-reeks 1968 2418 Aranos 'Kowhitimas', plaas nr 439.
eng We already discussed N.A.v. The owner's communication, cf. Th a ** 784-5 under the spelling Kowithimas; On the map of 1968 spelled Kowhitimas, with a K- versus the vessels or older G-, and with -w, also -WH, to the parent-B, which are both normal pronunciation variants. The verdict was apparently very loose, cf. Also, the -t-emas besides the -t-amas and the -t imas. The farm got its name from the Pan, cf. Voucher. The 1968 map shows one large and two smaller pans. So far, we did not make a statement that reassured and redeem. Unfortunately, the sucking consonants are also missing. In his note hereby, Mr FK Krenz is farming 1979 as a possibility, descending on the sound building, 'Ikhobei = anphass, half; TAMAS = VERNEINUNG - IKHOBATETMA: 'WARUM (HAST) HOLDEN DU MIR NICHT?) '
afr Ons het die naam reeds bespreek n.a.v. die mededeling van die eienaar, vgl. TH A** 784-5 onder die spelling KOWITHIMAS; op die kaart van 1968 gespel Kowhitimas, met ’n K- teenoor die Kiepertse of ouer G-, en met -w-, ook -wh-, teenoor die ouer -b-, wat albei normale uitspraakvari- ante is. Die uitspraak was blykbaar baie los, vgl. ook die -t-emas naas die -t-amas en die -t-imas. Die plaas het sy naam van die pan gekry, vgl. Kiepert. Die kaart van 1968 toon een groot en twee kleiner panne. Tot nog toe het ons nie ’n verklaring wat taalkundig en redegewend gerusstel nie. Ongelukkig ontbreek die suigkonsonante hierby ook. In sy Aantekening hierby stel mnr FK Krenz 1979 Boer as ’n moontlikheid voor, afgaande op die klankbou, 'IKhobei = anfassen, helfen; tamas = Verneinung — IKhobatetma: ‘Warum (hast) geholfen Du mir nicht?)'
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