
The original Khoekhoense name just comes to the cricke tea, and then together with the current name in brackets. Then the name as farm name appears by 1910, and then only in his translated form, viz. As 'Witkranz' (spelled with -Z), No. 134. At the Auob River, between Gochas and Stampriet. The source name (1904) became farm name, the inland name disappeared early (certainly by 1910). The member is like Namaǃ Uri = 'Weiss' (Rust 1960 DNW 73), and translate the 'white' of Witkranz. The -Gawas is equal to the -kranz of the current name, it literally means 'hat' (Nama ǀ Gawa enveloped, and is in line with the Khoekhounen aptitude to estimate nature, also in man's wear. The name should not be confused with eg. Uigamdis more western from Urigawas, or with Uriganis which also means 'Witkrans', Cf. Th ** 1092-3, or with Urigams just south of Gochas, a name that also disappeared.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2418 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Witkranz
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Urigawas (Witkrans)', a source. DSWA Series 1911 Blatt 21 Arahoab 'Witkranz', a 'f (arm)'. [Arahoab is Aroab today.]
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Urigawas (Witkrans)', 'n bron. DSWA- reeks 1911 Blatt 21 Arahoab 'Witkranz', ’n 'F(arm)'. [Arahoab is vandag Aroab.]
eng The original Khoekhoense name just comes to the cricke tea, and then together with the current name in brackets. Then the name as farm name appears by 1910, and then only in his translated form, viz. As 'Witkranz' (spelled with -Z), No. 134. At the Auob River, between Gochas and Stampriet. The source name (1904) became farm name, the inland name disappeared early (certainly by 1910). The member is like Namaǃ Uri = 'Weiss' (Rust 1960 DNW 73), and translate the 'white' of Witkranz. The -Gawas is equal to the -kranz of the current name, it literally means 'hat' (Nama ǀ Gawa enveloped, and is in line with the Khoekhounen aptitude to estimate nature, also in man's wear. The name should not be confused with eg. Uigamdis more western from Urigawas, or with Uriganis which also means 'Witkrans', Cf. Th ** 1092-3, or with Urigams just south of Gochas, a name that also disappeared.
afr Die oorspronklike Khoekhoense naam kom ons net op die Kriegskarte tee, en dan tesaam met die huidige naam tussen hakies. Daarna verskyn die naam as plaasnaam, so teen 1910, en dan nog net in sy vertaalde vorm, nl. as 'Witkranz' (gespel met -z), nr 134. aan die Auobrivier, tussen Gochas en Stampriet. Die bronnaam (1904) het geword plaasnaam, die inlandse naam het vroeg verdwyn (sekerlik teen 1910). Die lid Uri- is soos Nama ǃuri = 'weiss' (Rust 1960 DNW 73), en vertaal die 'wit' van Witkranz. Die -gawas is gelyk te stel met die -kranz van die huidige naam, dit beteken letterlik 'hoed' (Nama ǀgawa-. Rust 32). 'Withoed' is 'n mooi nuwe siening van die krans, veral wanneer hy van reenwolke omhul is, en is in lyn met die Khoekhoense aanleg om die natuur te vermenslik, ook in die mens se drag. Die naam moet nie verwar word met bv. Urigamdis meer westelik van Urigawas nie, of met Uriganis wat ook 'Witkrans' beteken, vgl. TH A** 1092-3, of met Urigams net suid van Gochas nie, ’n naam wat ook verdwyn het.
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