Zamnarib, Tsamnarib

These two farms, now, according to German sound values, spelled Z-Amnarib but spelled earlier Tsamnarib. Laid to the Zamnarib River, northwest of Mariental and of the Hardapdam and Wildlife. We believe Mr Isaque correctly gives the suction consonant according to the local verdict, and that the local ruling has kept the tradition right. The complex Zamnarib (two farms) lies in the complex Haribes, alright. We believe the components of Hari and -nari - are interchanges (cf. 5 d 6 p. 46 in th a *) of each other. This hari was declared 11hari (with lateral slap) and means O.A. 'Harigrass' (TH a ** 527), according to Dr. Vedder, or 'binsen grass', according to Mr Krenz, or a humid place, also according to Krenz. With Tsam- in the meaning of 'soft' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 378), it best suits 'soft damp or decisive land'. We pose this defense as a possible statement, and support On a 11nari, with a ǀǀ in front, as converted Bigamis, Auch Nebenmann (-frau) '. His clapping sounds are different from Mr Isaque.

About this item

Zamnarib, Tsamnarib
Alternative Title
Zamnarib, Tsamnarib
Georeference Sources
S 2417 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng DSWA Series 1910 Blatt 20 Maltahöhe-Rehoboth 'Tsamnarib', big farm. SWA Series 1973 Skin 2416 Mariental 'Zamnarib-OST' No. 10, 'Zamnarib-West' No. 11, Farms. Isaak HS 1977 Interpreting Conversion 'We say Tsam- ǀ Narib, but I don't know what it means'.
afr DSWA-reeks 1910 Blatt 20 Maltahöhe-Rehoboth 'Tsamnarib', groot plaas. SWA-reeks 1973 vel 2416 Mariental 'Zamnarib-Ost' nr 10, 'Zamnarib-West' nr 11, plase. Isaak HS 1977 Tolk Gesprek 'Ons se Tsam-ǀ ǀnarib, maar ek weet nie wat dit beteken nie'.
eng These two farms, now, according to German sound values, spelled Z-Amnarib but spelled earlier Tsamnarib. Laid to the Zamnarib River, northwest of Mariental and of the Hardapdam and Wildlife. We believe Mr Isaque correctly gives the suction consonant according to the local verdict, and that the local ruling has kept the tradition right. The complex Zamnarib (two farms) lies in the complex Haribes, alright. We believe the components of Hari and -nari - are interchanges (cf. 5 d 6 p. 46 in th a *) of each other. This hari was declared 11hari (with lateral slap) and means O.A. 'Harigrass' (TH a ** 527), according to Dr. Vedder, or 'binsen grass', according to Mr Krenz, or a humid place, also according to Krenz. With Tsam- in the meaning of 'soft' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 378), it best suits 'soft damp or decisive land'. We pose this defense as a possible statement, and support On a 11nari, with a ǀǀ in front, as converted Bigamis, Auch Nebenmann (-frau) '. His clapping sounds are different from Mr Isaque.
afr Hierdie twee plase, nou volgens Duitse klankwaardes gespel Z-amnarib maar vroeër gespel Tsamnarib. le aan die Zamnaribriviertjie, noordwes van Mariental en van die Hardapdam en -wildreservaat. Ons glo mnr Isaak gee die suigkonsonant korrek aan volgens die plaaslike uitspraak, en dat die plaaslike uitspraak die oorlewering reg bewaar het. Die kompleks Zamnarib (twee plase) le aan die kompleks HARIBES, alwaar. Ons meen die komponente Hari- en -nari- is wisseluitsprake (vgl. 5 D 6 bl. 46 in TH A*) van mekaar. Hierdie Hari- is verklaar as 11hari- (met laterale klap) en beteken o.a. 'harigrass' (TH A** 527), volgens dr Vedder, of 'Binsen- gras', volgens mnr Krenz, of 'n vogtige plek, ook volgens Krenz. Met Tsam- in die betekenis van 'sagte' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 378), sluit dit die beste aan by 'Sagte klam- of deurslaggrond'. Ons poneer hierdie ontle- ding as ’n moontlike verklaring, en steun daarvoor op ’n 11nari-, met ’n ǀǀ vooraan, soos oorgelêwer. Vir 'n alternatiewe verklaring van Tsam- kyk TH ** 1111. Bostaande het mnr Krenz FK 1979 Boer geleës en daarby die aantekening genraak 'ǀAm-ǃnarib = Bigamis, auch Nebenmann (-frau)'. Sy klapklanke is anders as by mnr Isaak.
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