
This is the name of farm No. 14, northwest of Mariental and with a fall to the Fish River. About the suction consonant there is no doubt, cf. The data in th a ** 553. Then as Nama Ihoa = crooked, -xa- = many, much, and the -b (ml. Ekv.) Connect the name, according to the ordinary rule, clearly with a river or go. The 'current / walk (-B) with many (-exa) curvings / turns (IHOA)'. This statement earns O.I. The preference.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2417 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Pieters HN 1977 Sergeant Conversation 'Yes, this is the name of a farm. It believes something that is crooked and has many turns, Ihoaxab, like a river or a sprout.
afr Pieters HN 1977 Sersant Gesprek 'Ja, dit is die naam van 'n plaas. Dit meen iets wat krom is en baie draaie het, IHoaxab, soos ’n riviertjie of ’n spruit'.
eng This is the name of farm No. 14, northwest of Mariental and with a fall to the Fish River. About the suction consonant there is no doubt, cf. The data in th a ** 553. Then as Nama Ihoa = crooked, -xa- = many, much, and the -b (ml. Ekv.) Connect the name, according to the ordinary rule, clearly with a river or go. The 'current / walk (-B) with many (-exa) curvings / turns (IHOA)'. This statement earns O.I. The preference.
afr Dit is die naam van plaas nr 14, noordwes van Mariental en met 'n val na die Visrivier toe. Oor die suigkonsonant is daar geen twyfel nie, vgl. die gegewens in TH A** 553. Dan soos Nama Ihoa = krom, -xa- = baie, veel, en die -b (ml. ekv.) verbind die naam, volgens die gewone reel, hier duidelik met ’n rivier of loop. Die 'stroom/loop ( -b) met baie ( -xa-) krom- minge/draaie (Ihoa-)'. Hierdie verklaring verdien o.i. die voorkeur.
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