
Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegbarte only gives 'Witkobus', not 'blackkobus'. Witkobus occurs on the cricke marte in his 'african' form, then easterly of the Nokkloof Mountains, and also in his Khoekhounense form as illicacies (cf. th a ** 970), with ori = white, and kobes (form to -kobus) = vlei, pan, literally 'witvlei', but illicobs lie in the Nukkloof Mountains: Orikobus and Witkobus is on the cricke marte thus two places. On the map of 1910 (as quoted) occurs eastern white kobus contrary to a black kob . It is now the name of Farm No. 165 who has only fall into the district of Mariental had a form now lost. That -kobus in blackkobus is not personal, is obviously from its contrast to white (t) Kobus on his western side. Also this -kobus comes from -kobis, in Nama Ikhubis = Vlei, Pan (Rust 1960 DNW 70). Swartkobus is a bisexual name, in its first compo Nent Afrikaans, in his second element Khoekhens but that is converted to the Afrikaans person's Kobus. Through the farm Swartkobus also runs 'a river' Swartkobus River 'in northeastern direction as tributary of streams that eventually run into the fish.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2416 BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng DSWA Series 1910 Blatt 20 Maltahöhe Rehoboth 'Wittkobus' and (east) 'Blackkobus'.
afr DSWA-reeks 1910 Blatt 20 Maltahöhe Rehoboth 'Wittkobus' en (ten ooste daarvan) 'Swartkobus'.
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegbarte only gives 'Witkobus', not 'blackkobus'. Witkobus occurs on the cricke marte in his 'african' form, then easterly of the Nokkloof Mountains, and also in his Khoekhounense form as illicacies (cf. th a ** 970), with ori = white, and kobes (form to -kobus) = vlei, pan, literally 'witvlei', but illicobs lie in the Nukkloof Mountains: Orikobus and Witkobus is on the cricke marte thus two places. On the map of 1910 (as quoted) occurs eastern white kobus contrary to a black kob . It is now the name of Farm No. 165 who has only fall into the district of Mariental had a form now lost. That -kobus in blackkobus is not personal, is obviously from its contrast to white (t) Kobus on his western side. Also this -kobus comes from -kobis, in Nama Ikhubis = Vlei, Pan (Rust 1960 DNW 70). Swartkobus is a bisexual name, in its first compo Nent Afrikaans, in his second element Khoekhens but that is converted to the Afrikaans person's Kobus. Through the farm Swartkobus also runs 'a river' Swartkobus River 'in northeastern direction as tributary of streams that eventually run into the fish.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegskarte gee net 'Witkobus' aan, nie 'Swartkobus'’ nie. Witkobus kom op die Kriegskarte voor in sy 'Afrikaanse' vorm, dan net oostelik van die Noukloofberge, en ook in sy Khoekhoense vorm as ORIKOBES (vgl. TH A** 970), met Ori = wit, en -kobes (ver- vorm tot -kobus) = vlei, pan, letterlik 'Witvlei', maar Orikobes le in die Noukloofberge: Orikobus en Witkobus is op die Kriegskarte dus twee plekke. Op die kaart van 1910 (soos aangehaal) kom oostelik van Witkobus teenstellenderwys ’n Swartkobus voor. Dit is nou die naam van plaas nr 165 wat nog net in die distrik van Mariental val. Dit le aan die Visrivier waar hy sy elmboog bokant Mariental weswaarts gooi. Vir Swartkobus het ons geen Khoekhoense vorm teegekom nie, maar hy sal wel so 'n vorm gehad het wat nou verlore geraak het. Dat -kobus in Swartkobus geen per- soonsnaam is nie, is tog klaarblyklik uit sy teenstelling met Wit(t)kobus aan sy westelike kant. Ook hierdie -kobus kom uit -kobis, in Nama Ikhubis = vlei, pan (Rust 1960 DNW 70). Swartkobus is ’n tweeslagtige naam, in sy eerste komponent Afrikaans, in sy tweede element Khoekhoens maar wat omgevorm is tot die Afrikaanse persoonsnaam Kobus. Deur die plaas Swartkobus loop ook 'n riviertjie 'Swartkobusrivier' in noordoostelike rigting as sytak van stroompies wat uiteindelik in die Vis loop.
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