
It requires a lot of nonsolency to keep all the similar places apart. Uriab is an important tributary of the Auob penetrating him from the north-week, too, it is located a large plain to the west of the Uriab River, near Hoachanas, and finally it is apparently a mountain, the latter two called this lemma. Furthermore, all three names appear in the early records as Uriab, in later records as Uigab, consisting of the membersǃ Uri = white, and with the dental suction flap (not with the cerebralǃ) ǀ (G) ab = 'fläche'. The meaning is clearly stated by the peasants, viz. as 'white plain'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2417 B
Measurement Accuracy
25 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Witvlakte
eng Kroenlein JG 1856 sources 10 153 'When we had passed the mountains, we came to a large area, + Uri ǀ from [Lees; ǃ Uri ǀ Ab], white surface, called, because it is with many white quartz stones. She would ... drive through and shut up on Ikoibis '[OP Pad Na Hoachanas.] Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk' Urigab (White area) ', Mountains, OP S 2417 B.
afr Kroenlein JG 1856 Quellen 10 153 'Als wir die Berge passiert hatten, kamen wir auf eine grosse Fläche, +Uriǀab [lees; ǃUri-ǀab], weisse Fläche, ge nannt, da sie mit vielen weissen Quartzsteinchen besat ist. Sie würde... durchfahren und auf IKoibis halt gemacht' [op pad na Hoachanas.] Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Urigab (WeissFläche)', berge, op S 2417 B.
eng It requires a lot of nonsolency to keep all the similar places apart. Uriab is an important tributary of the Auob penetrating him from the north-week, too, it is located a large plain to the west of the Uriab River, near Hoachanas, and finally it is apparently a mountain, the latter two called this lemma. Furthermore, all three names appear in the early records as Uriab, in later records as Uigab, consisting of the membersǃ Uri = white, and with the dental suction flap (not with the cerebralǃ) ǀ (G) ab = 'fläche'. The meaning is clearly stated by the peasants, viz. as 'white plain'.
afr Dit vereis heelwat noulettendheid om al die eendersluidende plekke uitmekaar te hou. Uriab is ’n belangrike sytak van die Auob wat horn van die noordwestekant binnedring, ook is dit 'n groot vlakte aan die westekant van die Uriab-rivier geleë, naby Hoachanas, en ten slotte is dit blykbaar 'n berg, laasgenoemde twee word in hierdie lemma genoem. Verder verskyn al drie benaminge in die vroeë optekeninge as Uriab, in latere optekeninge as Urigab, bestaande uit die lede ǃuri = wit, en met die dentale suigklap (nie met die serebrale nieǃ) ǀ(g)ab = 'Fläche'. Die betekenis word deur die segsliede duidelik aangegee, nl. as 'Witvlakte'.
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