
The farm Korns No. 129, north of Stampriet, was discussed in th a ** 755, and declared there as 'Ystervarkfontein', the member -fontein on the basis of the genus indexes (Fern, sing.) What lived in place names very is for open (and round-like) water sites. We now believe that that statement of the sound is wrong. The right statement is 'PENFONTEIN'. Like Nama ǀǀ Khom- = 'Der Magen ... Der Bauch ...' (Kr.-r. 1969 NW 244). Korns' southwest corner boundary to Schiirfpenz No. 120's northeastern corner. The old Khoekhozen name of Schiirfpenz contains In his second component the same Nama word for belly / abdomen, in fact, Schiirfpenz is the translation of the old named Gorokhoms, at ǀ Goro = scab, and ǀǀ khom- = belly. There are still other farm names along that in Khoekhens or in translation relates to the abdominal sections, eg. Hoorop Le Gomnab ('roar - stomach') and 'bowel', and to Schiirfpenz and Korns also the old farm name that has now been lost, viz. Gamchanas. What made the abdominal sections so compelling that It appears in this region so many times naming, we do not know, cf. However, Gamnab.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2418 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1879 'ǀǀ Khoms'. Vice 1893 map 'ǀǀ coming'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Korns', and like here on other cards.
afr Hahn Th 1879 'ǀǀKhoms'. Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀǀKoms'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Korns', en soos hier op ander kaarte.
eng The farm Korns No. 129, north of Stampriet, was discussed in th a ** 755, and declared there as 'Ystervarkfontein', the member -fontein on the basis of the genus indexes (Fern, sing.) What lived in place names very is for open (and round-like) water sites. We now believe that that statement of the sound is wrong. The right statement is 'PENFONTEIN'. Like Nama ǀǀ Khom- = 'Der Magen ... Der Bauch ...' (Kr.-r. 1969 NW 244). Korns' southwest corner boundary to Schiirfpenz No. 120's northeastern corner. The old Khoekhozen name of Schiirfpenz contains In his second component the same Nama word for belly / abdomen, in fact, Schiirfpenz is the translation of the old named Gorokhoms, at ǀ Goro = scab, and ǀǀ khom- = belly. There are still other farm names along that in Khoekhens or in translation relates to the abdominal sections, eg. Hoorop Le Gomnab ('roar - stomach') and 'bowel', and to Schiirfpenz and Korns also the old farm name that has now been lost, viz. Gamchanas. What made the abdominal sections so compelling that It appears in this region so many times naming, we do not know, cf. However, Gamnab.
afr Die plaas Korns nr 129, noord van Stampriet, is bespreek in TH A** 755, en is daar verklaar as 'Ystervarkfontein', die lid -fontein op grond van die genusindeks -s (fern, sing.) wat in plekname baie gewoon is vir oop (en rondagtige) waterplekke. Ons glo nou dat daardie verklaring van die grondwoord verkeerd is. Die juiste verklaring is 'Pensfontein'. soos Nama ǀǀkhom- = 'der Magen... der Bauch...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 244). Korns se suidwestelike hoek grens aan Schiirfpenz nr 120 se noordoostelike hoek. Die ou Khoekhoense naam van Schiirfpenz bevat in sy tweede komponent dieselfde Namawoord vir pens/buik, trouens, Schiirfpenz is die vertaling van die ou inlandse naam GOROKHOMS, by ǀgoro = skurf, en ǀǀkhom- = pens. Daar is nog ander plaasname hierlangs wat in Khoekhoens of in vertaling betrekking het op die buikgedeeltes, bv. hoerop le Gomnab ('Brul- maag') en 'Derm', en aan Schiirfpenz en Korns ook die ou plaasnaam wat nou verlore geraak het, nl. GAMCHANAS. Wat die buikgedeeltes so dwingend gemaak het dat dit in hierdie streek so vele kere naamkundig verskyn, dit weet ons nie seker nie, vgl. egter GAMNAB. Hoe ook al, daar skyn min twyfel te wees dat hierdie plaas Korns te verklare is as 'Pens- /Buikfontein'.
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