
The reference to Black Modder and Lidfontein enables us to determine the light, northwest of Stampriet on Way to Pastor Judt's stand farm Floachanas. We got no indication about the meaning. A fulcrum is the suction consonant, so that ǀ gam - accordingly, 'two' or 'hot, hot'. The word breach makes the second possible, the first. The -XA (in place names usually transliterated as -ch-) is possible here the morpheme for 'many' or '-ty / -y'. The -ǃ Na- Can we not yet bring home with certainty. It can be seen, sound associated, as 'stomach / abdomen' (Kr.- North West of Schiirfpenz), and Hoorop Gomnab or 'brulmaid' case to be placed, or within the case. (Judt writes the Greek Chi as uppercase X to distinguish it from the Latin X). The name disappeared from the cards. Judt game in 1902 as 'ǃ Gam-ǃ NAB ', ie without the infection -xa, otherwise with the same clap sounds.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2418 AA/AC
kyk ook GAMNAB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kroenlein JG 1873 sources 13 638 '... Liber ǀ Gamxa-ǃ NAS after 11Anis_' (11anis: LiDfontein). Judt F (Hoachanas) 1891 Sources 6 147 'On ǀ Gamxaǃ Nas escaped a mountain damara ... the murderlust of the Herero'. Dieselfe 1896 OP BL. 166 'Furthermore, the small farm would be at ǀ Gamxaǃ NAS, ZwartModder, promised ...
afr Kroenlein JG 1873 Quellen 13 638 '...liber ǀGamxa-ǃnas nach 11Anis_' (11Anis: lidfontein). Judt F (Hoachanas) 1891 Quellen 6 147 'Auf ǀGamXaǃnas entging ein Bergdamara...der Mordlust der Herero'. Dieselfde 1896 op bl. 166 'Ferner würde uns die kleine Farm bei ǀGamXa-ǃnas, Zwartmodder, zugesagt...
eng The reference to Black Modder and Lidfontein enables us to determine the light, northwest of Stampriet on Way to Pastor Judt's stand farm Floachanas. We got no indication about the meaning. A fulcrum is the suction consonant, so that ǀ gam - accordingly, 'two' or 'hot, hot'. The word breach makes the second possible, the first. The -XA (in place names usually transliterated as -ch-) is possible here the morpheme for 'many' or '-ty / -y'. The -ǃ Na- Can we not yet bring home with certainty. It can be seen, sound associated, as 'stomach / abdomen' (Kr.- North West of Schiirfpenz), and Hoorop Gomnab or 'brulmaid' case to be placed, or within the case. (Judt writes the Greek Chi as uppercase X to distinguish it from the Latin X). The name disappeared from the cards. Judt game in 1902 as 'ǃ Gam-ǃ NAB ', ie without the infection -xa, otherwise with the same clap sounds.
afr Die verwysing na Swartmodder en lidfontein stel ons in staat om die lig- ging te bepaal, noordwes van Stampriet op weg na pastor Judt se stand- plaas Floachanas. Oor die betekenis het ons geen aanduiding gekry nie. ’n Steunpunt is die suigkonsonant, sodat ǀgam- hiervolgens kan beteken 'twee' of 'heet, warm'. Die woordbousel maak die tweede moontlik, die eerste nie. Die -xa- (in plekname gewoonlik getranslitereer as -ch-) is moontlik hier die morfeem vir 'baie' of '-agtig/-erig'. Die -ǃna- kan ons nog nie met sekerheid tuisbring nie. Dit kan beskou word, klankassosia- tief, as 'maag/buik' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 278), omrede hier die plekke le soos 'Schiirfpenz' (in Nama Gorokoms, plaas nr 455) of Korns (plaas 129, noordwes van Schiirfpenz), en hoerop GOMNAB of 'Brulmaag'. FK Krenz 1977 meen in sy Aantekening 1977 dat die ǃna-s opgevat moet word as 'Ort', by Nama ǃna- = in, binne, d.w.s. die plek waarbinne die geval geplaas moet word, of wat binne die geval is. (Judt skryf die Griekse chi as hoofletter X om dit te onderskei van die latynse x). Die naam het van die kaarte verdwyn. Judt spel dit in 1902 as 'ǃGam-ǃnab', d.w.s. sonder die infiks -xa-, origens met dieselfde klapklanke.
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