
The case is very interesting again. The -aub was actually pulled out of the river name Auob = 'Bitter River', see th a * 243-4 and SWA series 1968 sheet 2418 Aranos. The Gomaub is the name of Gomaub-Süd, farm No. 139, North West of Stampriet. within the area of ​​the artesian water sum. He got his name from the brook (on the map of the SWA series 1969 sheet 2418 Aranos spelled 'Gomaob-south'), and the sprout system runs on Schiirf Penz No. 120 in the Auob. The second member -aub has nothing to do with -AOB or with a primary radio Of own knowledge of the sprout Pastor Jod ('Osfontein') in th a * stems from another syllable conservation, with goma as a ground Actually well can join what Mrs. Years of the river, as far as we can judge it. But we are bound by another possibility. From old cards, the neighbor of Schiirfpenz and glue AUB. Schiirfpenz's old name was Gorokhoms (th a * 455), which has a linguistic agreement with Gomaub t.o. The member -khom and gum (K / KH and G are interchangeable). ǀǀ Khom = Bauch '(Rust 1960 DNW 8), and according to Rust a' Vulgarer Ausdruck '. ǀǀ khom- translates our 'belly'. Then there is still the geographical relationship. By the farm Gomaub-Süd No. 139, the brook Gomaub-Süd is a tributary of Auob via 'Vaal- Auob'. Auob stream by farm Schiirfpenz No. 120. Then it seems as if the linguist and the geographical gathering of the two places are likely to make Gomaub, D.W.S. Gum-auob, explaining as the 'Pens-Auob', where the member 'Penz' has the same application as in the farm name 'Schiirfpenz'.

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Georeference Sources
S 2418 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Years Mrs. M 1974 per Father PJ Strunck Priest Questionnaire 'Gomaub River is between Lidfontein and Hoachanas, and is the name of a sprout. This means ǀ Gum = sucks, so: 'He (-b), the sucking (ǀ glue) river, because of its mill holes. This river is a kind of jumping water because it never dries on '
afr Jaars mev. M 1974 per vader PJ Strunck Priester Vraelys 'Gomaubrivier le tussen lidfontein en Hoachanas, en is die naam van ’n spruit. Dit beteken ǀgom = suig, dus: ‘hy ( -b), die suigende (ǀgom) rivier’, weens sy maalgate so genoem. Hierdie riviertjie is ’n soort van springwater, want dit droog nooit op nie'
eng The case is very interesting again. The -aub was actually pulled out of the river name Auob = 'Bitter River', see th a * 243-4 and SWA series 1968 sheet 2418 Aranos. The Gomaub is the name of Gomaub-Süd, farm No. 139, North West of Stampriet. within the area of ​​the artesian water sum. He got his name from the brook (on the map of the SWA series 1969 sheet 2418 Aranos spelled 'Gomaob-south'), and the sprout system runs on Schiirf Penz No. 120 in the Auob. The second member -aub has nothing to do with -AOB or with a primary radio Of own knowledge of the sprout Pastor Jod ('Osfontein') in th a * stems from another syllable conservation, with goma as a ground Actually well can join what Mrs. Years of the river, as far as we can judge it. But we are bound by another possibility. From old cards, the neighbor of Schiirfpenz and glue AUB. Schiirfpenz's old name was Gorokhoms (th a * 455), which has a linguistic agreement with Gomaub t.o. The member -khom and gum (K / KH and G are interchangeable). ǀǀ Khom = Bauch '(Rust 1960 DNW 8), and according to Rust a' Vulgarer Ausdruck '. ǀǀ khom- translates our 'belly'. Then there is still the geographical relationship. By the farm Gomaub-Süd No. 139, the brook Gomaub-Süd is a tributary of Auob via 'Vaal- Auob'. Auob stream by farm Schiirfpenz No. 120. Then it seems as if the linguist and the geographical gathering of the two places are likely to make Gomaub, D.W.S. Gum-auob, explaining as the 'Pens-Auob', where the member 'Penz' has the same application as in the farm name 'Schiirfpenz'.
afr Die geval is weer baie interessant. Die -aub is eintlik saamgetrek uit die riviernaam Auob = 'Bitterrivier', kyk TH A* 243-4 en SWA-reeks 1968 vel 2418 Aranos. Die Gomaub is die naam van Gomaub-Süd, plaas nr 139, noordwes van Stampriet. binne die gebied van die artesiese waterkom. Hy het sy naam gekry van die spruit (op die kaart van die SWA-reeks 1969 vel 2418 Aranos gespel 'Gomaob-Suid'), en die spruitstelsel loop op Schiirf penz nr 120 in die Auob. Die tweede lid -aub het niks te doen met -aob of met ’n primere -aub nie. Die eerste deel word op gesag van mev. Jaars van Stampriet verbind met Nama ǀgom = 'etwas saugen...' (Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 112), 'n betekenis wat sy uit eie kennis van die spruit mo- tiveer. Die -b van die ml. ekv. dui hier bepaaldelik ’n spruit aan. Die 'Suigspruit (ǀgom) van die Auob(rivier) (-aub)'. Die afwykende verklaring van pastor Jod ('Osfontein') in TH A* spruit uit ’n ander lettergreepver- deling, met goma- as grondwoord. Met ǀgom as grondwoord stel Boois J 1979 Taalassistent Aantekening voor 'ǀGomǀaub = 'Ruigfontein',' wat eintlik goed kan aansluit by wat mev. Jaars van die riviertjie se, sover as wat ons dit kan beoordeel. Maar ons word deur nog 'n moontlikheid geboei. Uit ou kaarte blyk die naburigheid van Schiirfpenz en Gomaub. Schiirfpenz se ou naam was GOROKHOMS (TH A* 455), wat 'n taalkun- dige ooreenkoms met Gomaub het t.o.v. die lid -khom- en Gom- (k/kh en g is verwisselbaar). ǀǀKhom = 'Bauch' (Rust 1960 DNW 8), en is volgens Rust ’n 'vulgarer Ausdruck'. ǀǀKhom- vertaal ons 'pens'. Dan is daar verder nog die aardrykskundige verband. Deur die plaas Gomaub-Süd nr 139 loop die spruit Gomaub-Süd wat ’n sytak is van Auob via 'Vaal- Auob'. Auob stroom deur plaas Schiirfpenz nr 120. Dan lyk dit of die taalkundige en die aardrykskundige bymekaarhorigheid van die twee plekke dit waarskynlik maak om Gomaub, d.w.s. Gom-Auob, te verklaar as die 'Pens-Auob', waar die lid 'penz' dieselfde toepassing het as in die plaasnaam 'Schiirfpenz'.
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