
The same river as under Tsub 2317 and probably the same meaning, alone is the ground word (Nama Tsau-B = calf) here with exit on -n, which will be the realization of the nasalized vowel rather than the PI. Comm, for 'calves', but the source itself is situated slightly lower. nl. At 2417. That's why he gets a separate entry. Outgoing of the audio building can the river be nominated equally well. 'Sau = Grassat Für Human Cliches Genus Geeignet' (Krenz FK 1976 Note). However, we believe the oldest statements, T.w. Those of W van Reenen (1792) and from Alexander (1837) as 'Calf River' and 'Calf River', the preference, see TSA IB 2317.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2417 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn th 1879 map 'Tsaun', strain on river. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tsaun', source to eponymous river.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Tsaun', uitspanning aan riviertjie. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tsaun', bron aan gelyknamige rivier.
eng The same river as under Tsub 2317 and probably the same meaning, alone is the ground word (Nama Tsau-B = calf) here with exit on -n, which will be the realization of the nasalized vowel rather than the PI. Comm, for 'calves', but the source itself is situated slightly lower. nl. At 2417. That's why he gets a separate entry. Outgoing of the audio building can the river be nominated equally well. 'Sau = Grassat Für Human Cliches Genus Geeignet' (Krenz FK 1976 Note). However, we believe the oldest statements, T.w. Those of W van Reenen (1792) and from Alexander (1837) as 'Calf River' and 'Calf River', the preference, see TSA IB 2317.
afr Dieselfde rivier as onder TSAUB 2317 en met waarskynlik dieselfde betekenis, alleen is die grondwoord (Nama tsau-b = kalf) hier met uitgang op -n, wat wel die realisasie van die genasaleerde klinker sal wees eerder as die pi. comm, vir 'kalwers', maar die bron self word effens laer gesitueer. nl. op 2417. Daarom kry hy ’n aparte inskrywing. Uitgaande van die klankbousel kan die rivier ewe goed ook benoem wees n.a.v. 'Sau = Grassaat für menschlichen Genuss geeignet' (Krenz FK 1976 Aantekening hierby). Ons meen egter dat die oudste verklarings, t.w. die van W van Reenen (1792) en van Alexander (1837) as 'Kalfsrivier' en 'calf river', die voorkeur verdien, kyk TSA IB 2317.
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