
Today it is the name of Kanams East No. 474 and of Kanams-West No 477, two farms on either side of the Schlip River, thus a terrain that is favorable for the growth of camel thorn trees, in Nama ǀǀ Gana-, also in old notes (ǀǀ) (n) A, the useful and hardy tree of southwest used as a symbol of land and residents. The -am- = mouth, d.i. Water opening such as source or fountain, with the -s of singing. Fern, which can indicate source names. 'Camel thorn tree fountain'. At the Schlip River is apparently such water openings. The river flows northwestern Mariental in the Fish River. The camel thorn tree (Acacia Giraffe) is an ingredient of many place names. Cfg. o.a. Ganams and Ganams 2618

About this item

Alternative Title
Kanaams, Kanaams(-Oos, -Wes)
Georeference Sources
S 2417 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Isaack HS 1977 Interpreter Conversion 'Kanamous has many camel thorn trees, so he has the name'. The name does not occur on early maps.
afr Isaack HS 1977 Tolk Gesprek 'Kanaams het baie kameeldoringbome, daarom het hy die naam'. Die naam kom nie op vroeë kaarte voor nie.
eng Today it is the name of Kanams East No. 474 and of Kanams-West No 477, two farms on either side of the Schlip River, thus a terrain that is favorable for the growth of camel thorn trees, in Nama ǀǀ Gana-, also in old notes (ǀǀ) (n) A, the useful and hardy tree of southwest used as a symbol of land and residents. The -am- = mouth, d.i. Water opening such as source or fountain, with the -s of singing. Fern, which can indicate source names. 'Camel thorn tree fountain'. At the Schlip River is apparently such water openings. The river flows northwestern Mariental in the Fish River. The camel thorn tree (Acacia Giraffe) is an ingredient of many place names. Cfg. o.a. Ganams and Ganams 2618
afr Vandag is dit die naam van Kanaams-Oos nr 474 en van Kanaams-Wes nr 477, twee plase weerskante van die Schliprivier, dus ’n terrein wat gunstig is vir die groei van kameeldoringbome, in Nama ǀǀgana-, ook in ou optekeninge (ǀǀ)kan(n)a, die nuttige en geharde boom van Suidwes wat as simbool van land en bewoners gebruik word. Die -am- = mond, d.i. wateropening soos bron of fontein, met die -s van die sing. fern, wat bronname kan aandui. 'Kameeldoringboomfontein'. Aan die Schliprivier is blykbaar sulke wateropeninge. Die rivier vloei in die Visrivier noordwestelik van Mariental. Die kameeldoringboom (Acacia giraffae) is ’n bestanddeel van baie plekname. Vgl. o.a. GANAAMS en GANAMS 2618
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