
Read also Sarib where next to 'visit' is also spoken about a plant name (bacon. It is clear that the name's meaning is sought by the meanings of the word as it is used today, so we get rationalizations. Let's see what we have. There is talk of a mountain on S 2516 A and again on S 2416, from a source to the old road along the southern hang of 'Zaris geb.' On S 2416, and finally from a farm Zaris No 103, which includes this source, d.w.s. On the southern hanging of Mount Zaris, then from a railroad stop on Zaris, spelled Tsaris, according to decision of the PNC. We do not hear what the name of the river is, we only know that there is a water-present 'coming'. There are five statements so far, four have to do with 'water', (1) the sewage 'visit' at each other (Nama Sari = visit); (2) the water 'sieve' (Nama Tsaris); (3) It is deep bubble water (perhaps at Nama Tsare); (4) The water shines brightly. The fifth statement is related to Tsara-B = fabric, eg. Tsara-Tsara = 'Staub Aufwirbeln' (Kr.- 1969 NW 380), and Tsara and 'whirlwind'. We assume that the source and place got their name from the mountain, d.w.s. of 'Dwarelwindberg'. Our question is whether the search for the name's meaning should not continue.

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S 2416 AB kyk ook SARIB
kyk ook SARIB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Zaris geb.'; Also place 'Zaris', S 2416 C. PNK 1960 'Zaris'. Old name for a farm, 72 km west of Maltahöhe, Nama, also expressed Dsares, 'so called because it had very strong fountains with running water in the river earlier, whose water had sought from one fountain to another , in namatal from one fountain to the other visor '(information from farm owner). This writes Pastor HK DEHL 'information from Naman of Maltahöhe obtained: ... A river runs off the mountains and comes in a big bowl. After the stream is over, a large amount of water remains in the rear, making movements as if the water is screened. The Nama Word for Sift is Tsaris. This is confirmed by the recording in Keenley's Wortschatz: 'Tsaris, Das Buchusbchen, Das Sieb'. ' PNC decides to play the name of the railroad bus stop Tsaris. BERNHARDT-SCHMID 1970 MITT 11/5 10 'Zaris No 103, Dist. Maltahöhe, Nama Tsares = bubble water that is very deep '. Esterhuizen APG 1973 Boer questionnaire 'Zaris, place, means' bright shiny water, after the perennial pool of water, located under a waterfall about 15 feet high. According to the old Namas, the water would sometimes have trembled, D.W.S. When the wind surfbs form on the water level '. Olsen JWO 1974 caretaker conversation 'Tsaris means' whirlwind '.'
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Zaris Geb.'; ook plaas 'Zaris', S 2416 C. PNK 1960 'Zaris'. Ou naam vir 'n plaas, 72 km wes van Maltahöhe, Nama, ook uitgespreek Dsares, 'so genoem omdat dit vroeër jare baie sterk fonteine met lopende water in die rivier gehad het, waarvan die water uit die een fontein na die ander gesyfer het, in Namataal van die een fontein na die ander gekuier het' (inligting van plaaseienaar). Hierby skryf pastor HK Diehl 'Inligting van Naman van Maltahöhe verkry:...Daar loop ’n riviertjie van die berge af en kom in ’n groot kom. Nadat die stroom verby is, bly ’n groot hoeveelheid water in die kom agter, wat daarin bewegings maak asof die water gesif word. Die Namawoord vir sif is tsaris. Dit word bevestig deur die optekening in Kroenlein se Wortschatz: 'tsaris, das Buchusiebchen, das Sieb’.' PNK besluit om die naam van die spoorwegbushalte te spel Tsaris. Bernhardt-Schmid 1970 Mitt 11/5 10 'Zaris nr 103, dist. Maltahöhe, Nama Tsares = Borrelwater wat baie diep is'. Esterhuizen APG 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Zaris, plaas, beteken ‘helder blink water’, na die standhoudende poel water, geleë onder ’n waterval ongeveer 15 voet hoog. Volgens die ou Namas sou die water soms gebewe het, d.w.s. wanneer die wind brandertjies op die watervlak vorm'. Olsen JWO 1974 Opsigter Gesprek 'Tsaris beteken 'Warrelwind'.'
eng Read also Sarib where next to 'visit' is also spoken about a plant name (bacon. It is clear that the name's meaning is sought by the meanings of the word as it is used today, so we get rationalizations. Let's see what we have. There is talk of a mountain on S 2516 A and again on S 2416, from a source to the old road along the southern hang of 'Zaris geb.' On S 2416, and finally from a farm Zaris No 103, which includes this source, d.w.s. On the southern hanging of Mount Zaris, then from a railroad stop on Zaris, spelled Tsaris, according to decision of the PNC. We do not hear what the name of the river is, we only know that there is a water-present 'coming'. There are five statements so far, four have to do with 'water', (1) the sewage 'visit' at each other (Nama Sari = visit); (2) the water 'sieve' (Nama Tsaris); (3) It is deep bubble water (perhaps at Nama Tsare); (4) The water shines brightly. The fifth statement is related to Tsara-B = fabric, eg. Tsara-Tsara = 'Staub Aufwirbeln' (Kr.- 1969 NW 380), and Tsara and 'whirlwind'. We assume that the source and place got their name from the mountain, d.w.s. of 'Dwarelwindberg'. Our question is whether the search for the name's meaning should not continue.
afr lees hierby ook SARIB waar naas 'kuier' ook oor 'n plantnaam (spekbos) gepraat word. Dit is duidelik dat die naam se betekenis gesoek word deurdat van die betekenisse van die woord uitgegaan word soos dit vandag gebruik word, dus dat ons rasionalisasies kry. laat ons kyk wat ons het. Daar is sprake van ’n berg op S 2516 A en weer op S 2416, van ’n bron aan die ou pad langs die suidelike hang van 'Zaris Geb.' op S 2416, en ten slotte van ’n plaas Zaris nr 103 wat hierdie bron insluit, d.w.s. aan die suidelike hang van die berg Zaris, dan van ’n spoorweg-halteplek op Zaris, gespel Tsaris, volgens beslis- sing van die PNK. Ons verneem nie wat die naam van die riviertjie is nie, ons weet net dat daarin ’n waterhoudende 'kom' is. Daar is vyf verklarings tot dusver genoem, vier het te doen met 'water', (1) die syferwater 'kuier' by mekaar (Nama sari = kuier); (2) die water 'sif’ (Nama tsaris); (3) dit is diep borrelwater (miskien by Nama tsare); (4) die water blink helder. Die vyfde verklaring soek verband met tsara-b = stof, bv. tsara-tsara = 'Staub aufwirbeln' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 380), en tsara- as 'dwarrelwind'. Ons neem aan dat die bron en plaas hulle naam van die berg gekry het, d.w.s. van 'Dwarrelwindberg'. Ons vraag is of die soek na die naam se betekenis nie nog moet voortduur nie.
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