
Tsabisis OST' is farm No. Taking into account the variation of -w andb- (th a * 43 at 5 b 1) Tsawi agrees correspond to the member Tsabi of the farm name tsabisis. The second member ,-, is the locative morphem, the lock -s Fern. Sing, simply to names sources etc. to indicate. Topographic and linguistically it seems as if the name Ebenhout and Tsabisis form a toponimic unit, M.A.W. As if the younger Ebenhout is a translation of the Khoekhoian name tsabisis. This determination supports the bonding of Tsabisis No. 340 (cf. th a ** 1042) with the blackback; The farm border namely to Tsabisis OST (on the skin 2416 Mariental 'Tsabisis east') and therefore also form part of the topographical unit. We can sketch the historical course as follows: The original farm area carried the name Tsabisis. Upon subdivision into four farms, the southern part retained the name Tsabisis and the eastern part received the distinctive name Tsabisis OST / East. The western part received a new name, viz. 'Blood River', but the northern part kept the old name. But now in favorable form as Ebenhout.

About this item

Alternative Title
Tsabisis (Ost)
Georeference Sources
S 2316 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Topographic Series 1974 Skin 2316 Rehoboth 'Tsabisis OST'.
afr Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 2316 Rehoboth 'Tsabisis Ost'.
eng Tsabisis OST' is farm No. Taking into account the variation of -w andb- (th a * 43 at 5 b 1) Tsawi agrees correspond to the member Tsabi of the farm name tsabisis. The second member ,-, is the locative morphem, the lock -s Fern. Sing, simply to names sources etc. to indicate. Topographic and linguistically it seems as if the name Ebenhout and Tsabisis form a toponimic unit, M.A.W. As if the younger Ebenhout is a translation of the Khoekhoian name tsabisis. This determination supports the bonding of Tsabisis No. 340 (cf. th a ** 1042) with the blackback; The farm border namely to Tsabisis OST (on the skin 2416 Mariental 'Tsabisis east') and therefore also form part of the topographical unit. We can sketch the historical course as follows: The original farm area carried the name Tsabisis. Upon subdivision into four farms, the southern part retained the name Tsabisis and the eastern part received the distinctive name Tsabisis OST / East. The western part received a new name, viz. 'Blood River', but the northern part kept the old name. But now in favorable form as Ebenhout.
afr Tsabisis Ost' is plaas nr 499. Aan die noordekant word dit begrens deur 'Ebenhout' nr 487. Die Namanaam vir die ebbehout of swartebbenhout, Euclea pseudebenus, is tsawi- (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 381). Met inagneming van die variabiliteit van -w- en -b- (TH A* 43 by 5 B 1) stem tsawi- goed ooreen met die lid Tsabi- van die plaasnaam Tsabisis. Die tweede lid, -si-, is die lokatiefmorfeem, die slot -s fern. sing, gewoon om name van bronne ens. aan te dui. Topografies en taalkundig lyk dit dan asof die name Ebenhout en Tsabisis ’n toponimiese eenheid vorm, m.a.w. asof die jongere Ebenhout ’n vertaling van die Khoekhoense naam Tsabisis is. Hierdie vas- stelling verleen steun aan die verbandlegging van TSABISIS nr 340 (vgl. TH A** 1042) met die swartebbenhout; die plaas grens naamlik aan Tsabisis Ost (op die vel 2416 Mariental 'Tsabisis Oos') en vorm dus ook deel van die topografiese eenheid. Ons kan die historiese verloop ongeveer soos volg skets: Die oorspronklike plaasgebied het die naam Tsabisis gedra. By onderverdeling in vier plase het die suidelike deel die naam Tsabisis behou en die oostelike gedeelte het die onderskeidende naam Tsabisis Ost/Oos ontvang. Die westelike deel het 'n nuwe naam ontvang, nl. 'Bloedrivier', maar die noordelike gedeelte het die ou naam behou. maar nou in ver- taalde vorm as Ebenhout.
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