
All quotes relate to what is today No. 3, to the Tsondab (Chunop at Alexander), Dist. Maltahöhe. There was a yard or kraal, it was an expat to the highway to the 'bay', is a farm with a carbus stop (spelling by the pnk fixed with two b's in first member, viz. If Abba-bis ). The name occurs frequently in travel reports, and of course on maps, mostly with one -b- in the ground. The spelling Abba may have been laid that some saying in the Khoen Hoens have seen word Abba = 'on the back (in an Awavel)'. Hahn and What Alexander told. Topographic and linguistically satisfies the statement - Note that no single of the Namaquists write a suction consonant, quite correctly. In Nama, 'Kalbas' Abá-with the Allophone AWâ- (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 2 and 8), a word that can also mean 'Milcheimer' secondary. The original name, says Voigts, was 'Gamma-Ababis', D.W.S. 'Krom- calabase', Nama Gama = crooked (Rust 1960 DNW 37).

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
Gamma-ababis (Oorspronklike naam)
eng Alexander Je 1837 Edia 2 20 'The Water was in a Deep Hole Under A Wall in the Bed of the River, and the Place Where We Outspanned is Called Ababies, or Calabash Kraal' [at Tsondab.] Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni ǀǀ Goam 108 'One Place is Called Ababis, On Account of Calabashes Growing There in Abundance'. Sprigade Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Awabes (Ababis)', source at the Tsondab, cross-point on the road to the north, and main road to Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Coordinates as above. Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 269 'The Name of A Place, Ababis, in Great Nama Qualand, is Corrupted From The Hottentot Word for 'Kal (a) Bass' and was so named from the Abundance of Plants There At The Time'. Olsen JWO 1974 caretaker conversation 'Abbabis means' I wear him on my back. ' wear'.' Voights Otto 1974 Boer questionnaire 'Abbabis No. 3, farm in Dist. Maltahöhe, lies on the river. Means 'Kalabas (German flasschenkiirbis)'. The Tsondabrivier falls 4 meters in a hole that is wide, round and then narrow, Like a calabash. Originally, the name was Gamma-Ababis, ie apostate in the calabash '.
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 20 'The water was in a deep hole under a wall in the bed of the river, and the place where we outspanned is called Ababies, or Calabash Kraal' [by Tsondab.] Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni-ǀǀGoam 108 'One place is called Ababis, on account of calabashes growing there in abundance'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Awabes (Ababis)', bron aan die Tsondab, kruispunt op die togpad na die noorde, en hoofpad na Swakopmund en Walvisbaai. Koördinate soos hierbo. Smith CA 1966 CNSAP 269 'The name of a place, Ababis, in Great Nama- qualand, is corrupted from the Hottentot word for 'Kal(a)bas' and was so named from the abundance of plants there at the time'. Olsen JWO 1974 Opsigter Gesprek 'Abbabis beteken 'Ek dra horn op my rug weg’. Abba is op die rug dra, en -bis is wegdra'. SAP Rehoboth 1974 Ondervraging 'Abbabis is van die Afrikaanse woord abba en beteken 'op die rug dra’.' Voigts Otto 1974 Boer Vraelys 'Abbabis nr 3, plaas in dist. Maltahöhe, lê aan die rivier. Beteken 'Kalabas (Duits Flaschenkiirbis)’. Die Tsondabrivier val hier 4 meter in ’n gat wat breed is, rond en dan smal word, soos 'n kalbas. Oorspronklik was die naam Gamma-ababis, d.w.s. afvallend in die kalbas'.
afr Krom-kalbasplek
eng All quotes relate to what is today No. 3, to the Tsondab (Chunop at Alexander), Dist. Maltahöhe. There was a yard or kraal, it was an expat to the highway to the 'bay', is a farm with a carbus stop (spelling by the pnk fixed with two b's in first member, viz. If Abba-bis ). The name occurs frequently in travel reports, and of course on maps, mostly with one -b- in the ground. The spelling Abba may have been laid that some saying in the Khoen Hoens have seen word Abba = 'on the back (in an Awavel)'. Hahn and What Alexander told. Topographic and linguistically satisfies the statement - Note that no single of the Namaquists write a suction consonant, quite correctly. In Nama, 'Kalbas' Abá-with the Allophone AWâ- (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 2 and 8), a word that can also mean 'Milcheimer' secondary. The original name, says Voigts, was 'Gamma-Ababis', D.W.S. 'Krom- calabase', Nama Gama = crooked (Rust 1960 DNW 37).
afr Alle aanhalings het betrekking op wat vandag plaas nr 3 is, aan die Tsondab (Chuntop by Alexander), dist. Maltahöhe. Daar was ’n werf of kraal, dit was 'n uitspanplek aan die hoofweg na die 'Baai', is ’n plaas met daarop ’n motorbushalte (spelling deur die PNK vasgestel met twee b’s in eerste lid, nl. as Abba-bis). Die naam kom veelvuldig voor in reisberigte, en natuurlik op kaarte, meestal met één -b- in grondwoord. Die spelling Abba- het miskien daartoe gelêi dat enkele segsliede daarin die aan Khoekhoens ontleende woord abba = 'op die rug (in ’n awavel) dra' gesien het. Hahn en Smith meen dat die naam gegee is vanweë die kalbasvrug wat daar volop gegroei het, ’n plant wat aan die familie Cucurbitaceae behoort (vgl. WAT en Smith s.v.) Die man ter plaatse, mnr Voigts, gee ’n verduideliking wat aansluit by wat Alexander meegedeel het. Topografies en taalkundig bevredig die verklaring volkome — let op dat geen enkele van die Namakundiges ’n suigkonsonant skryf nie, heel korrek. In Nama is 'kalbas' abá- met die allofoon awâ- (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 2 en 8), ’n woord wat sekondêr ook 'Milcheimer' kan beteken. Die oorspronklike naam, sê Voigts, was 'Gamma-ababis', d.w.s. 'Krom- kalbasplek', Nama gama = krom (Rust 1960 DNW 37).
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