
In th a ** 1061 we considered this name in the light of what our co-workers presented to us. There Dove 1900 Mitt 64 eg. struggled to hind the meaning and Tson to Tsom- departure, the HK 1955 to PNC sought a mortgage with 'TSO = in the earthisten', and Krenz FK, to whom we submitted the material, recorded 'TSO -n = in sand oer schlamm festfallen; -Dab = ortlichkeit = floss '. Alexander Je 1837 Edia 1 297 Adhere to Tsondab as '... Chunop, OR Sand Path ...' The first member, Chun or Tson, can be like Nama Tsun (i) - = 'Sanddiine' ( Rust 1960 DNW 51); For the application of this word as 'sand' cf. Zonnekwa in this part. The closing member of Chunop, viz. -Top (-DAB of Tsondab), is like Nama Dao-B = 'away'. Alexander's record of 'Sand Path' is then the literal translation of Chunop or Tsondab.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2315 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng In th a ** 1061 we considered this name in the light of what our co-workers presented to us. There Dove 1900 Mitt 64 eg. struggled to hind the meaning and Tson to Tsom- departure, the HK 1955 to PNC sought a mortgage with 'TSO = in the earthisten', and Krenz FK, to whom we submitted the material, recorded 'TSO -n = in sand oer schlamm festfallen; -Dab = ortlichkeit = floss '. Alexander Je 1837 Edia 1 297 Adhere to Tsondab as '... Chunop, OR Sand Path ...' The first member, Chun or Tson, can be like Nama Tsun (i) - = 'Sanddiine' ( Rust 1960 DNW 51); For the application of this word as 'sand' cf. Zonnekwa in this part. The closing member of Chunop, viz. -Top (-DAB of Tsondab), is like Nama Dao-B = 'away'. Alexander's record of 'Sand Path' is then the literal translation of Chunop or Tsondab.
afr In TH A** 1061 het ons hierdie naam beskou in die lig van wat ons mede- werkers aan ons voorgehou het. Daar het Dove 1900 Mitt 64 bv. gesukkel om die betekenis te agterhaal en Tson- tot Tsom- vertrek, Diehl HK 1955 aan PNK het ’n verband gesoek met 'tso = in die Erde versinken', en Krenz FK, aan wie ons die materiaal voorgelê het, het aangeteken 'Tsoa-n = in Sand oder Schlamm festfallen; -dab = Ortlichkeit = Fluss'. Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 1 297 gee die naam Tsondab aan as '...Chuntop, or sand path...' Die eerste lid, Chun- of Tson-, kan dan soos Nama tsun(i)- = 'Sanddiine' wees (Rust 1960 DNW 51); vir die aanwending van hierdie woord as 'sand' vgl. ZONNEKWA in hierdie deel. Die slotlid van Chuntop, nl. -top (-dab van Tsondab), is soos Nama dao-b = 'Weg'. Alexander se opgawe van 'sand path' is dan die letterlike vertaling van Chuntop of Tsondab.
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