
The river originates on the east of the Rantberg and passes about eastwards at Klein Aub; Then it swings south-like and Souths to swing on 2416 BB again east and on 2417 AA on the farm does not water in the Fish River. To the northeast of Klein Aub and Campbells AUB, where the Kam River swings south, the farms are green, greenhead, camp and kamkoes, and also the Gamgam River. The first member of the camp and kamkoes, viz. Kam-, as well as the first member gaming of Gamgam. Did we declare as 'green', cf. Three and th ** respectively That the comb of Kam River can also mean 'green', so as Nama Lam, Ou-Cape Cam, Ikam, Ikx'am (Hott 290) can be. In this statement, the slap sound included as given by Hahn, viz. The cerebralǃ Kam River then means 'Green River'

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316 D/2416 B
Measurement Accuracy
25 km radius
eng Hahn th 1879 map 'ǃ Kham R.' Topographic range 1974 sheet 2316 Rehoboth 'Kamrivier'
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǃKham R.' Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 2316 Rehoboth 'Kamrivier'
eng The river originates on the east of the Rantberg and passes about eastwards at Klein Aub; Then it swings south-like and Souths to swing on 2416 BB again east and on 2417 AA on the farm does not water in the Fish River. To the northeast of Klein Aub and Campbells AUB, where the Kam River swings south, the farms are green, greenhead, camp and kamkoes, and also the Gamgam River. The first member of the camp and kamkoes, viz. Kam-, as well as the first member gaming of Gamgam. Did we declare as 'green', cf. Three and th ** respectively That the comb of Kam River can also mean 'green', so as Nama Lam, Ou-Cape Cam, Ikam, Ikx'am (Hott 290) can be. In this statement, the slap sound included as given by Hahn, viz. The cerebralǃ Kam River then means 'Green River'
afr Die rivier ontspring aan die oostekant van die Rantberge en vloei ongeveer ooswaarts by Klein Aub verby; dan swenk dit suidsuidooswaarts en suid- waarts om op 2416 BB weer ooswaarts te swaai en op 2417 AA op die plaas Niep in die Visrivier uit te water. Ten noordooste van Klein Aub en Campbells Aub, waar die Kamrivier suidwaarts swenk, is die plase Groen- dorn, Groendraai, Kamkam en Kamkoes, en ook die Gamgamrivier. Die eerste lid van KAMKAM en KAMKOES, nl. Kam-, sowel as die eerste lid Gam- van GAMGAM. het ons verklaar as 'Groen', vgl. onderskeidelik TH A** 627-28, hierdie deel en TH A* 353. Topografies lyk dit asof die Kamrivier tot dieselfde naamkerngroep kan behoort as Kamkoes, Kamkam, Gamgam, Groendraai en Groendorn, m.a.w. dat die Kam- van Kamrivier ook 'groen' kan beteken, dus soos Nama lam, Ou-Kaaps cam, Ikam, Ikx’am (HOTT 290) kan wees. By hierdie verklaring sluit ook die klapklank aan soos deur Hahn aangegee, nl. die serebrale ǃ Kamrivier beteken dan 'Groenrivier'
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