
We believe Dr Vedder again uneven. He explains the name as it looks the most likely to him and then 'embroidery' he is a story. Dr Mossop and Peter Animal Great's about the same: the water disappears underground, or: the well falls. Nama still has the words Tom = 'Schlucken, Verschlucken, Show', next to stupid = '(in ETW. Weiches) Einsinken', and even a variant TSO = 'Einsinken (in Nasse Erde ZB)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 360, 56 and 383 resp.) OR Tsum = 'Einfalls, Rutschen' (Krenz). Dom, tom- Include immediately in sound and meaning at the first component of Som-Mers of Van Reenen and Tsum - from later; The -s is to appreciate as a locative at the substantiant Tsumi, the 'place (-s) where the water sinks (stupid / Tom / Tso-M) in the soft ground'. About the change T (D) and S View Hott 182 and 5 b 2. A fulcrum is the translation that gives Reenen, as early as 1791, viz. Of 'Sakrivier'. This is in first place Tsumis, farm No. 147 and the adjacent Tsumis-OST No 207, both Right south of Rehoboth, and also Tsumis at Petrusdal No. 422, all dist. rehoboth, and then the eponymous river.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Hahn th ... of the Zak River Tsumis) Gibt, Der Vom Sevrochen Wirde, Signals Entesthung Herleitet, Wirkt The Erkliirung Durchaus berry [nl. That Tsumeb as Tsumis would be] '. : 'A bag River is One Which Disappears Underground, in Sand Or Into Pans, and Rappears Again ... Nama: Tsumis = Place Where Water Sink Underground'. PNK 1947 'Tsumis', Post Office south of Rehoboth on Highway to Mariental, Slightly East Word of the Sudden Railway Station. 'Nama: Tsu miss = (ort, an dem e) BOSES wort (sagged Wrde). H. Vedder'. PNK S.J. 11949] In letter to SASCS H o.m. 'The police report as follows: That I received at Petrus Animal Gaard of Tsumis Park information that the word Tsumis is used in Namatal and that the place got the name in 1912. The word means in case. An example as used by my reporter: a pit that invades or coincidence ... 'ibid. Secr. Okw to secret. PNK 29 9 1949 O.A. 'The name Tsumis is an old existing name ... from 1800 ... The inhabitants of this place are exclusively hybrids and are all Afrikaans-spread'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Tsumis', in Collectanea 234 'Tsuntis, Ort etwa 20 engl. (Meilen) s.s.o. von Rehoboth', uitspanning, dieselfde op ander kaarte. Van Reenen W 1791 VRV 15 'Van de Kalfrivier naar de Sommers of een Sakrivier...Van de Zakrivier naar de Badsrivier...' [by die huidige Rehoboth], Vedder 1928 Joernaal 4 25 'Tsu heisst bose sein...mlb, mis = Wort. Da es zudem im Namalande einen Ort Tsu-mis (Tsumis) gibt, der vom bosern Wort, das dort gesprochen würde, seine Entstehung herleitet, wirkt die Erkliirung durchaus befriedigend [nl. dat Tsumeb as Tsumis op te vat sou wees]'. Mossop 1935 in VRV 15 310 voetnoot by Sommers van Van Reenen: 'A sak river is one which disappears underground, in sand or into pans, and reappears again...Nama: Tsumis = place where water sinks underground'. PNK 1947 'Tsumis', poskantoor ten suide van Rehoboth op hoofweg na Mariental, effens oosnoordoos van die gelyknamige spoorwegstasie. 'Nama: Tsu-mis = (Ort, an dem ein) boses Wort (gesagt würde). H. Vedder'. PNK s.j. 11949] in brief aan SAScS H o.m. 'Die Polisie rapporteer as volg: Dat ek by Petrus Diergaard van Tsumis Park inligting gekry het dat die woord Tsumis in Namataal gebruik word en dat die plek die naam gekry het in 1912. Die woord beteken ingeval. ’n Voorbeeld soos deur my beriggewer gebruik: ’n Put wat inval of toeval...' Ibid. Sekr. OKW aan Sekr. PNK 29 9 1949 o.a. 'Die naam Tsumis is 'n ou bestaande naam...van 1800 af...Die in- woners van hierdie plek is uitsluitlik Basters en is almal Afrikaansspre- kend'.
eng We believe Dr Vedder again uneven. He explains the name as it looks the most likely to him and then 'embroidery' he is a story. Dr Mossop and Peter Animal Great's about the same: the water disappears underground, or: the well falls. Nama still has the words Tom = 'Schlucken, Verschlucken, Show', next to stupid = '(in ETW. Weiches) Einsinken', and even a variant TSO = 'Einsinken (in Nasse Erde ZB)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 360, 56 and 383 resp.) OR Tsum = 'Einfalls, Rutschen' (Krenz). Dom, tom- Include immediately in sound and meaning at the first component of Som-Mers of Van Reenen and Tsum - from later; The -s is to appreciate as a locative at the substantiant Tsumi, the 'place (-s) where the water sinks (stupid / Tom / Tso-M) in the soft ground'. About the change T (D) and S View Hott 182 and 5 b 2. A fulcrum is the translation that gives Reenen, as early as 1791, viz. Of 'Sakrivier'. This is in first place Tsumis, farm No. 147 and the adjacent Tsumis-OST No 207, both Right south of Rehoboth, and also Tsumis at Petrusdal No. 422, all dist. rehoboth, and then the eponymous river.
afr Ons meen dat dr Vedder hier weer ongelyk het. Hy verklaar die naam soos dit vir horn klankassosiatief die waarskynlikste lyk en dan 'borduur' hy 'n verhaal daaromheen. Dr Mossop en Petrus Diergaard se ongeveer dieselfde: die water verdwyn ondergronds, of: die put val toe. Nama het nog die woorde tom = 'schlucken, verschlucken, versinken', daarnaas dom = '(in etw. Weiches) einsinken', en nog eens ’n variant tso = 'einsinken (in nasse Erde z.B.)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 360, 56 en 383 resp.) of tsum = 'einfallen, rutschen' (Krenz). Dom-, tom- sluit onmiddellik in klank en betekenis aan by die eerste kompo- nent van Som-mers van Van Reenen en Tsum-is van later; die -s is as lokatief te waardeer by die gesubstantiveerde tsumi, die 'Plek (-s) waar die water wegsak (dom/tom/tso-m) in die sagte grond'. Oor die wisseling t(d) en s kyk HOTT 182 en 5 B 2. ’n Steunpunt is die vertaling wat Van Reenen gee, so vroeg as 1791, nl. van 'Sakrivier'. Dit geld hier in eerste plek Tsumis, plaas nr 147 en die aangrensende Tsumis-Ost nr 207, albei reg suid van Rehoboth, en ook Tsumis op Petrusdal nr 422, almal dist. Rehoboth, en dan die gelyknamige rivier.
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