
Aruzis was the Khoekhozen name of Morgenroth, Farm No. 17, Dist. Windhoek, southwest of Rehoboth. For name exchange, ZBU looks U 5, Archive Windhoek. In cases where a modern name has replaced an older Khoekhoense name, we often find that the modern name is the translation of the Khoekhoense name. We believe this is the case here too. The Nama Aro-aro means 'morgen Werden, Tagen' (Rust 1969 NW 43). ARO- Voice soundly good with the first member ARU s, spotless suffix with lock -s fern. Sing. For another Aru name that is actually aro- Note believes that the statute is the 'arus tree that is used medicinal for stomach etc., for worms', and an Albizia Sp. is. Cfg. further aruguams. Boois j

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Morgenroth
eng Aruzis was the Khoekhozen name of Morgenroth, Farm No. 17, Dist. Windhoek, southwest of Rehoboth. For name exchange, ZBU looks U 5, Archive Windhoek. In cases where a modern name has replaced an older Khoekhoense name, we often find that the modern name is the translation of the Khoekhoense name. We believe this is the case here too. The Nama Aro-aro means 'morgen Werden, Tagen' (Rust 1969 NW 43). ARO- Voice soundly good with the first member ARU s, spotless suffix with lock -s fern. Sing. For another Aru name that is actually aro- Note believes that the statute is the 'arus tree that is used medicinal for stomach etc., for worms', and an Albizia Sp. is. Cfg. further aruguams. Boois j
afr Aruzis was die Khoekhoense naam van Morgenroth, plaas nr 17, dist. Windhoek, suidwestelik van Rehoboth. Vir naamsverwisseling kyk ZBu U v m 5, Argief Windhoek. In gevalle waar n moderne naam 'n ouer Khoekhoense naam vervang het, vind ons dikwels dat die moderne naam die vertaling van die Khoekhoense naam is. Ons meen dat dit ook hier die geval is. Die Nama aro-aro beteken 'Morgen werden, tagen' (Rust 1969 NW 43). Aro- stem klankmatig goed ooreen met die eerste lid Aru-; die tweede lid, -zis, is die Duitse spelling van die meer gewone -tsi-s, plekbe- noemende suffiks met slot -s fern. sing. Vir 'n ander Aru-naam wat eintlik Aro- is, vgl. ARUBES, tans Dagbreek. Daar is egter ook diegene wat 'n ander verklaring voorstaan. Krenz FK 1977 Boer Aantekening meen dat die grondwoord die 'arusboom is wat medisinaal gebruik word vir maag ens., vir wurms', en 'n Albizia sp. is. Vgl. verder ARUGUAMS. Boois J
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