
Due to the addition, it is well possible that there is a connection between the name andǃ Nara fruit (Acanthosicvos horrida), though there are phonetic objections, viz. the -o- i.p.v. the -a. We must nevertheless take into account some vocal variability. Krenz FK 1976 Farmer note hereto thinks eg. To Inarob, 'Ist Hagel', D.W.S. The 'place where hail laid', but in Rust 1960 DNW 29 is given up for hailǃ Nare-B, with a -e- i.p.v. the -o-. 'Naraplek' or 'hail location'? Otherwise (and this is also our preference for the time being) 'rocky spot', look for this further Narob (river).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2314 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Narob', source on the left bank of the Kuiseb, and 'in Nara gave'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Narob', bron aan die linkeroewer van die Kuiseb, en daarby 'In Nara Gegend'.
eng Due to the addition, it is well possible that there is a connection between the name andǃ Nara fruit (Acanthosicvos horrida), though there are phonetic objections, viz. the -o- i.p.v. the -a. We must nevertheless take into account some vocal variability. Krenz FK 1976 Farmer note hereto thinks eg. To Inarob, 'Ist Hagel', D.W.S. The 'place where hail laid', but in Rust 1960 DNW 29 is given up for hailǃ Nare-B, with a -e- i.p.v. the -o-. 'Naraplek' or 'hail location'? Otherwise (and this is also our preference for the time being) 'rocky spot', look for this further Narob (river).
afr vanweë die byvoeging is dit goed moontlik dat daar ’n verband bestaan tussen die naam en die ǃnara-vrug (Acanthosicvos horrida), al is daar fonetiese besware, nl. die -o- i.p.v. die -a-. Ons moet nogtans rekening hou met 'n mate van vokaliese variabiliteit. Krenz FK 1976 Boer Aantekening hierby dink bv. aan Inarob, 'ist Hagel', d.w.s. die 'Plek waar daar hael gelê het', maar in Rust 1960 DNW 29 word vir hael opgegee ǃnare-b, met ’n -e- i.p.v. die -o-. 'Naraplek' of 'Haelplek'? Andersins (en dit is ook ons voorkeur voorlopig) 'Klipperige Plek', kyk hiervoor verder NAROB(RIVIER).
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