
There is actually no uncertainty about the sucking consonants at component - Nice, we still get confirmation from Hahn and ViBert. The distribution based on the different suckers here was o.i. Unnecessary and the statement like Du Plessis No 1, and at Krenz, we heard from several other sides, sometimes communicated with a little bit of goodness. The connection between place name and its nomination, viz. 'Volstruisvagina', rests on an agreement with a fountain in an ovale. The ingredients are like Nama ǀ Ami- = ostrich, and ^ = Nui-s = 'The WeIbliche Scham' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 307.)

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2319
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1879 map 'ǀ Ami-auis', Strain on S 2319, node. ViPERT 1893 Card 'ǀ Ami-auis'. Spread Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Aminuis'. Judt F 1905 QUELEN 6 287 'EINE ABTEILUNG SEI NACCH AMINIEUS, URN DORT THE WEISSEN ZU ERMORDEN ...' DU PLESSIS CA 1973 VACCRIPTION SPECLIST Bantu Education Questionnaire 'Aminuis Reserve, at Eastern border of SWA, 100 km from Aranos, also of Gobabis off 100 km. Means: (1) ǀ Ami-auis = ostrich's female genital part; (2) ǀ Ami -ǃ (3) ǀ Ami ǀǀ Nuis = Ostrich fat; (4) ǀ Ami - ǀ (5) ǀ Ami-ǃ If = ostrich, as caring of no (1). ' Information o.a. From Mr J Boois, language aid. In the decking letter o.a. 'The meaning adopted by the residents of the reserve as the most common is that it is the female genitals of an ostrich'. Krenz FK 1974 Farmer Note 'ǀ Ami-auis = Desclechteil des Weiblichen Strausses'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀAmi-╪nuis', uitspanning op S 2319, knooppunt. Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀAmi-╪nuis'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Aminuis'. Judt F 1905 Quellen 6 287 'Eine Abteilung sei nach Aminieus gewesen, urn dort die Weissen zu ermorden...' Du Plessis CA 1973 Vakinspektrise Bantoe-onderwys Vraelys 'Aminuis- Reservaat, teen Oosgrens van SWA, 100 km van Aranos, ook van Gobabis af 100 km. Beteken: (1) ǀAmi-╪nuis = volstruis se vroulike geslagsdeel; (2) ǀAmi-ǃnuis = volstruisslagyster (wip); (3) ǀAmi-ǀǀnuis = volstruisvet; (4) ǀAmi-ǀnuis = skuifelpassies van volstruis; (5) ǀAmi-ǃas = volstruis, as ver- sagting van nr (1).' Inligting o.a. van mnr J Boois, taalhulp. In die dek- kende brief o.a. 'Die betekenis wat deur die inwoners van die Reservaat as die mees algemene aanvaar word, is dat dit die vroulike geslagsdele van 'n volstruis is'. Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'ǀAmi-╪nuis = Geschlechtsteil des weiblichen Strausses'.
eng Volstral vagagina
afr Volstruisvagina
eng There is actually no uncertainty about the sucking consonants at component - Nice, we still get confirmation from Hahn and ViBert. The distribution based on the different suckers here was o.i. Unnecessary and the statement like Du Plessis No 1, and at Krenz, we heard from several other sides, sometimes communicated with a little bit of goodness. The connection between place name and its nomination, viz. 'Volstruisvagina', rests on an agreement with a fountain in an ovale. The ingredients are like Nama ǀ Ami- = ostrich, and ^ = Nui-s = 'The WeIbliche Scham' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 307.)
afr Daar is eintlik geen onsekerheid oor die suigkonsonante by komponent -nuis nie, ons kry nog bevestiging daarvan by Hahn en Kiepert. Die uitweiding op grond van die verskillende suigklappers hier was o.i. onnodig en die verklaring soos by Du Plessis nr 1, en by Krenz, het ons van verskeie ander kante gehoor, soms met ’n bietjie guitigheid meegedeel. Die verband tussen pleknaam en sy benoeming, nl. 'Volstruisvagina', berus op ’n ooreenkoms met 'n fontein in ’n ovale kom. Die bestanddele is soos Nama ǀami- = volstruis, en ^=nui-s = 'die weibliche Scham' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 307.)
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