
From this anthazinal, it appears that everyone except the time is still relatively young missionary Judt (since 1877 established in Gobabis) the lateral Schnalz writes when they indicate the place name with his suction flap. It will be heard. The tradition of the spelling of NAO (I.P.V. Nau) was inlaid by Dr. Flahn 1879 and set by the PNC under the appointment of Dr. Vedder 1949. This spelling is apparently the result of Dr Hahn's own etrimology, and when it was only accepted as 'correct', the statement was inevitable that it was with 'ancestors' etc.. in connection, or better, brought. Everyone crowes afterwards. Now hahn had looked, but there is justified doubt, viz. Whether it is the only distraction. The doubt stems from the relatively detailed quotes from the Judgment Eggt's report sent to occupy the Wesleyan mission. He said, by the way,, however, settled on Gobabis. Eggert did much effort about the original name, O.M. to determine its spelling and meaning. To establish a Rhense post in a place with the name of another Society, did not take it for granted. As far as he could notice, the old name meant 'pointed birthflare', alone, he could not understand the application well, and it hampered him. He believes it is topographically understandable, viz. that the 'stain' trees were on the hanging This view that he will observe on the spot, his statement entirely departs from what the other later understood, and also in the statement of the first member. We believe he was in better prevalence to determine the real meaning Set, and see no reason why we should not return to this. The name of the source has passed on the farm and station, as so often happened.

About this item

Alternative Title
Naosanabis, Nausannabis Ens.
Georeference Sources
S 2318
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Backhouse J 1840 Narrative 555 '... a Wesleyan Station at Bassonabies, with Ameral and His People ...' Tindall J 1842 VRV 40 31 'Halted at Ameral's Village, Naosanabis ...' Eggert FS 1855 Sources 7 14 '.. The square that the Wesleyan Wesley Vale call. The old name ... is Xnosanna [Lees; ǀǀ Nosannasl. Soli the name Wesley Vale will not be maintained, so I am that we call him again Xnosannas or Nossobstal ... 'Ibid. 1855 Sources 7 16 'I have to rewrite the word Xnosanna again and make Nausannabis from it ...' Ibid. 1856 Sources 7 24 'ǀǀ Nausannabis is a collapsed word from 11nau = arrowhead, and of Sana = mother spots, and perhaps means 'pointed mother spots'. I can not explain this name with nothing different from [than?] From the trees covered with booms '. Weber FW 1861 Sources 7 28 'from the church of ǀǀ Nausannabis'. Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'ǀǀ Naosanabis or Wesleyvale', SendingStasie en Uitspan Ning OP S 2318 BC, OOK by Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk, Nou Special Schnalz. JUDT F 1884 Sources 6 31 'Nausanabis (Wesley Vale)'. PNK Letter H Vedder 14 11 1949 'The name comes from the nama language and is written in this ǀǀ Naosanabis: ǀǀ Naob - the grandfather; ǀǀ Naosab - the uncle, ohm; ǀǀ Naosan - people who raised the Ohm; ǀǀ Naosane - Wohlautsform with a; -BIS - Suffix of the villages. Translation: 'place of the belongings of the uncle'. ' The Eienaar van the Plaas is geraadpleeg; Hy Meen the Naam pray 'Plek van der Ouer'. Froese S 1973 Vraelys 'Naosanabis, Plaas Nr 17, Dist. Gobabis, En Le 7 km van Leonardville. Pray 'Voorouers Se Plek'. ' Franzius CH 1974 Boin Tutk 'ǀǀ Naosanabis; ǀǀ Nao = voorouer. 'Plek van voorouers'. ' Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'ǀǀ Naosan ǀǀ a bis = the young married woman leaves the parental yard with her husband to get to know and attend the parents or grandparents (ǀǀ naosan) (ǀǀ a)'.
afr Backhouse J 1840 Narrative 555 '...a Wesleyan station at Bassonabies, with Ameral and his people...' Tindall J 1842 VRV 40 31 'Halted at Ameral’s village, Naosanabis...' Eggert FS 1855 Quellen 7 14 '...der Platz, den die Wesleyaner Wesley Vale nennen. Der alte Name...ist XNosannas [lees; ǀǀNosannasl. Soli der Name Wesley Vale nicht beibehalten werden, so bin ich dafiir, dass wir ihn wieder xNosannas oder Nossobstal nennen...' Ibid. 1855 Quellen 7 16 'Ich muss das Wort xNosannas noch einmal verandern und Nausannabis daraus machen...' Ibid. 1856 Quellen 7 24 ' ǀǀNausannabis ist ein zusammengesêtztes Wort aus 11nau = Pfeilspitze, und aus sana = Mutterflecken, und bedeutet vielleicht ‘Spitzmutterflecken’. Diesen Namen kann ich mit nichts anders erklaren aus [als?] aus den mit Baumen bewachsenen Rinnen des Abhangs'. Weber FW 1861 Quellen 7 28 'aus der Kirche von ǀǀNausannabis'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀǀNaosanabis or Wesleyvale', sendingstasie en uitspan ning op S 2318 BC, ook by Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk, nou sonder schnalz. Judt F 1884 Quellen 6 31 ' ^Nausanabis (Wesley Vale)'. PNK Brief H Vedder 14 11 1949 'Der Name entstammt der Namasprache und wird in dieser geschrieben ǀǀNaosanabis: ǀǀnaob - der Grossvater; ǀǀnaosab - der Onkel, Ohm; ǀǀnaosan - leute, die dem Ohm angehoren; ǀǀnaosane - Wohllautsform mit a; -bis - Suffix der Ortschaften. Uebersetzung: ‘Ort der Angehorigen des Onkels’.' Die eienaar van die plaas is geraadpleeg; hy meen die naam beteken 'Plek van die ouer'. Froese S 1973 Vraelys 'Naosanabis, plaas nr 17, dist. Gobabis, en le 7 km van leonardville. Beteken ‘Voorouers se plek’.' Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'ǀǀNaosanabis; ǀǀnao = voorouer. ‘Plek van voorouers’.' Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'ǀǀNaosan ǀǀa bis = Die jung verheiratete Frau verlasst mit ihrem Mann die elterliche Werft, um die Schwiegereltern bzw. Grosseltern (ǀǀnaosan) kennen zu lernen und zu besuchen (ǀǀa)'.
eng From this anthazinal, it appears that everyone except the time is still relatively young missionary Judt (since 1877 established in Gobabis) the lateral Schnalz writes when they indicate the place name with his suction flap. It will be heard. The tradition of the spelling of NAO (I.P.V. Nau) was inlaid by Dr. Flahn 1879 and set by the PNC under the appointment of Dr. Vedder 1949. This spelling is apparently the result of Dr Hahn's own etrimology, and when it was only accepted as 'correct', the statement was inevitable that it was with 'ancestors' etc.. in connection, or better, brought. Everyone crowes afterwards. Now hahn had looked, but there is justified doubt, viz. Whether it is the only distraction. The doubt stems from the relatively detailed quotes from the Judgment Eggt's report sent to occupy the Wesleyan mission. He said, by the way,, however, settled on Gobabis. Eggert did much effort about the original name, O.M. to determine its spelling and meaning. To establish a Rhense post in a place with the name of another Society, did not take it for granted. As far as he could notice, the old name meant 'pointed birthflare', alone, he could not understand the application well, and it hampered him. He believes it is topographically understandable, viz. that the 'stain' trees were on the hanging This view that he will observe on the spot, his statement entirely departs from what the other later understood, and also in the statement of the first member. We believe he was in better prevalence to determine the real meaning Set, and see no reason why we should not return to this. The name of the source has passed on the farm and station, as so often happened.
afr Uit hierdie bloemlesing blyk dit dat almal behalwe die destyds nog betreklik jong sendeling Judt (sedert 1877 in Gobabis gevestig) die laterale schnalz skryf wanneer hulle die pleknaam met sy suigklap aandui. Dit sal wel juis gehoor wees. Die tradisie van die spelling van Nao- (i.p.v. Nau-) is ingelêi deur dr Flahn 1879 en deur die PNK onder aanwysing van dr Vedder 1949 so vasgestel. Hierdie spelling is klaarblyklik die gevolg van dr Hahn se eie etimologisering, en toe dit eers aanvaar is as 'korrek', was die verklaring onvermydelik dat dit met 'voorouers' ens. in verband staan, of beter, gebring word. Almal kraai agterna. Nou kan Hahn gelyk gehad het, maar daar is geregverdigde twyfel, nl. of dit die enigste afleiding is. Die twyfel spruit uit die betreklik uitvoerige aanhalings uit die verslag van sendeling Eggert wat uitgestuur is om die sen- dingstasie te beset wat die Wesleyaanse sending verlaat het. Hy het horn, terloops gesê, egter op Gobabis gevestig. Eggert het veel moeite oor die oorspronklike naam gedoen, o.m. om sy spelling en betekenis vas te stel. Om 'n Rynse pos te stig op 'n plek met die naam van ’n ander genootskap het horn vanselfsprekend nie aangestaan nie. Sover hy kon agterkom, het die ou naam beteken 'Spits geboortevlek', alleen kon hy die toepassing nie goed begryp nie, en dit het horn gehinder. Hy meen dat dit topografies te verstaan is, nl. dat die 'vlek' borne teen die hang die aanleiding was. Sana = 'das Muttermal' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 340), die -bis is plekbenoemend en is later deur horn toegevoeg (dit het trouens reeds bestaan). In hierdie siening wat hy ter plaatse sal verneem het, wyk sy verklaring heeltemal af van wat die ander later daaronder verstaan het, en ook in die verklaring van die eerste lid. Ons meen dat hy in ’n beter geleëntheid was om die eintlike betekenis vas te stel, en sien geen rede hoekom ons nie weer daartoe moet terugkeer nie. Die naam van die bron het oorgegaan op die plaas en stasie, soos so dikwels gebeur het.
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