
This applies to No. 21, Dist. Gobabis, located at the Nossob and on the highway, north of Leonardville. Mr Moll who completed the Form for the PNC consulted the farm owner and he said it meant 'big-tree', such as Nama gei = big, and ǀǀ khu- = thorn tree, a sp. Acacia. Everyone agrees except Dr. Vedder who declared it eyefulologically differently, and wrong. However, the PNC decided to play in the game in accordance with Dr. Vedder's designation. At Geikous Le now Geousous. The -S locates a source where there was earlier.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2318
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn th 1879 map 'gei- ǀǀ khous', strain to the nossob. Vipert 1893 card 'gei- ǀǀ stocking'. Sprigade Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Geikous', all on 2318. PNK 1948 'Geikous', motorbus stop 124 km from Gobabis, on eponymous farm. 'Hottentot name for 'big tree',' according to the owner of the farm. 'Geousous would be more correct. Namatal: Gei = large; soon = fat. Geousous = place where cattle grow big and fat. H. Vedder '. [PNC decided to write the named name: Geousous.] Van Wyk OJ 1974 Garage owner conversation 'Geikous means' big tree '.' Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Conversation 'Ge- ǀǀ Khus = Grosser Weissdornbaum'. Black Otto [Old Damara] Per Haacke Whg 1974 'Kai ǀ jkhus = great white thorn tree '.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Gei-ǀǀkhous', uitspanning aan die Nossob. Kiepert 1893 kaart 'Gei-ǀǀkous'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Geikous', almal op 2318. PNK 1948 'Geikous', motorbushalte 124 km van Gobabis af, op gelyknamige plaas. 'Hottentotnaam vir ‘Groot boom’,' volgens die eienaar van die plaas. 'Geigous sou meer korrek wees. Namataal: gei = groot; gou = vet wees. Geigous = Plaas waar beeste groot en vet word. H. Vedder'. [PNK het besluit om die haltenaam te skryf: Geigous.] Van Wyk OJ 1974 Garage-eienaar Gesprek 'Geikous beteken ‘Groot boom’.' Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'Gei-ǀǀkhus = grosser Weissdornbaum'. Swart Otto [ou Damara] per Haacke WHG 1974 'Kai-ǀ jkhus = groot Wit- doringboom'.
eng This applies to No. 21, Dist. Gobabis, located at the Nossob and on the highway, north of Leonardville. Mr Moll who completed the Form for the PNC consulted the farm owner and he said it meant 'big-tree', such as Nama gei = big, and ǀǀ khu- = thorn tree, a sp. Acacia. Everyone agrees except Dr. Vedder who declared it eyefulologically differently, and wrong. However, the PNC decided to play in the game in accordance with Dr. Vedder's designation. At Geikous Le now Geousous. The -S locates a source where there was earlier.
afr Dit geld plaas nr 21, dist. Gobabis, geleë aan die Nossob en aan die grootpad, noord van leonardville. Mnr Moll wat die formulier vir die PNK voltooi het, het die plaaseienaar geraadpleeg en hy se dit beteken 'Grootboom', soos Nama gei = groot, en ǀǀkhu- = doringboom, ’n sp. Acacia. Almal stem saam behalwe dr Vedder wat dit oogfilologies anders, en wel verkeerd, verklaar het. Tog het die PNK besluit om ooreenkomstig dr Vedder se aanwysing te spel Geigous. Op Geikous le nou Geigous. Die -s lokativeer ’n bron waar daar vroeër ’n uitspanning was.
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