
Farm No. 320, now Dist. Mariental. There is consensus, such as Nama AM-S = mouth, rounding, entrance (eg. To a hut), over the first component. Mrs. Franzius thinks about what is currently in Nama Lerems (= 'Antwort', Rust 1960 DNW 4), Rev van der Westhuizen to Nama Ara-Ara (= 'Holicy signal', Rest 31) plus -ams = mouth, Mr Reimann to ǀ Hawi (= 'accused', Rest 10), if we have good, and the farm owner to ╪aro, the wait-a-bit tree, the ziziphus mucronatus. So everyone gives probability statements at which linguistic objections exist, eg. At the two first legislates against the-of ╪aro, but for this statement, motives are argued. Interestingly, Mr Minnaar heard the vertebrates formaro (cf. Hott 186-8).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2318 / 2319
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Lover AB 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'Areams, ong. 43 km from Aranos and 50 of Leonardville. Means 'waiting-a-bit-mouth'. Nama pronunciation ╪garoams. There are a lot of waiting-a-bit trees '. Engelbrecht CJ 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'Areams, place, means waiting-a-bitbos mouth'. Reimann GPE 1974 per Kilian EP Former Principal 'Area: Accused'. Van der Westhuizen DS PJW 1974 'AREAMS: Literally' cry mouth '.' Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Conversation 'Areams is' counter answer '.'
afr Minnaar AB 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Areams, ong. 43 km van Aranos en 50 van leonardville. Beteken ‘Wag-’n-bietjie-mond’. Nama-uitspraak ╪Garoams. Daar is baie wag-’n-bietjiebome'. Engelbrecht CJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Areams, plaas, beteken Wag-’n- bietjiebos-mond'. Reimann GPE 1974 per Kilian EP Oud-skoolhoof 'Areams: Beskuldig'. Van der Westhuizen ds PJW 1974 'Areams: letterlik ‘Huilmond’.' Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'Areams is ‘Teenantwoord’.'
eng Wait-a-bit-mouth
afr Wag-ʼn-bietjie-mond
eng Farm No. 320, now Dist. Mariental. There is consensus, such as Nama AM-S = mouth, rounding, entrance (eg. To a hut), over the first component. Mrs. Franzius thinks about what is currently in Nama Lerems (= 'Antwort', Rust 1960 DNW 4), Rev van der Westhuizen to Nama Ara-Ara (= 'Holicy signal', Rest 31) plus -ams = mouth, Mr Reimann to ǀ Hawi (= 'accused', Rest 10), if we have good, and the farm owner to ╪aro, the wait-a-bit tree, the ziziphus mucronatus. So everyone gives probability statements at which linguistic objections exist, eg. At the two first legislates against the-of ╪aro, but for this statement, motives are argued. Interestingly, Mr Minnaar heard the vertebrates formaro (cf. Hott 186-8).
afr Plaas nr 320, nou dist. Mariental. Oor -am-s is daar eenstemmigheid, soos Nama am-s = mond, uitmonding, ingang (bv. tot ’n hut), oor die eerste komponent nie. Mev. Franzius dink aan wat tans in Nama lui lereams (='Antwort', Rust 1960 DNW 4), ds Van der Westhuizen aan Nama ara-ara (= 'heulerig sein', Rust 31) plus -ams = mond, mnr Reimann aan ǀhawi (= 'beschuldigen', Rust 10), as ons dit goed het, en die plaaseienaar aan ╪aro-, die wag-’n-bietjieboom, die Ziziphus mucronatus. Almal gee dus waarskynlikheidsverklarings waarteen taalkundige besware bestaan, bv. by die twee eerste segsliede teen die -o- van ╪aro-, maar vir hierdie verklaring word motiewe aangevoer. Interessant dat mnr Minnaar nog die velere vorm ╪garo gehoor het (vgl. HOTT 186-8).
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