
This applies here farms Gumuchab-West No 87 and Eastern 94, adjacent, Dist. Windhoek, located at the Olifants River, southeast of Windhoek. Dr Vedder's statement is merely eye-philological speculations. Mr Van Schalkwyk's tree type was identified by Krenz FK 1976 as Namaǃ Gu = Acacia Reficiens. The farm owner's statement seems certainly convincing, linguistically as well as his rationale. 'The place (-b) rich (-cha-, d.i. -xa-) is onǃ Gu-trees'. The PNC then changed the spelling of the name on directions from Dr. Vedder to Gomuchab (cf. APN 1951 130 and rail grill).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2318
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 1947 'Gumuchab'. Motorbus stop 166 km from Mariental. 'Nama: igomuchab = ort, wo es haufig (cha) schwer ist etwas zu nehmen. H.VEDDER '. Van Schalkwyk A 1974 Owner and Boer Questionnaire 'Gumuchab-West No 87, Dist. Windhoek. Called to the TGu'boom that one finds at places where underground waters are very shallow '[shorten]. SAP Rehoboth 1974 Interview 'Place where something happened, m.a.w. Event location '.
afr PNK 1947 'Gumuchab'. Motorbushalte 166 km van Mariental af. 'Nama: IGomuchab = Ort, wo es haufig (cha) schwer ist etwas zu nehmen. H.Vedder'. Van Schalkwyk A 1974 Eienaar en Boer Vraelys 'Gumuchab-Wes nr 87, dist. Windhoek. Genoem na die tgu’boom wat mens aantref by plekke waar ondergrondse waters baie vlak is' [Verkort]. SAP Rehoboth 1974 Ondervraging 'Plek waar iets gebeur het, m.a.w. Gebeurtenisplek'.
eng This applies here farms Gumuchab-West No 87 and Eastern 94, adjacent, Dist. Windhoek, located at the Olifants River, southeast of Windhoek. Dr Vedder's statement is merely eye-philological speculations. Mr Van Schalkwyk's tree type was identified by Krenz FK 1976 as Namaǃ Gu = Acacia Reficiens. The farm owner's statement seems certainly convincing, linguistically as well as his rationale. 'The place (-b) rich (-cha-, d.i. -xa-) is onǃ Gu-trees'. The PNC then changed the spelling of the name on directions from Dr. Vedder to Gomuchab (cf. APN 1951 130 and rail grill).
afr Dit geld hier plase Gumuchab-Wes nr 87 en -Oos nr 94, aangrensend, dist. Windhoek, geleë aan die Olifantsrivier, suidoos van Windhoek. Dr Vedder se verklaring is bloot oogfilologiese spekulasies. Mnr Van Schalkwyk se boom- soort is deur Krenz FK 1976 Aantekening, geidentifiseer as Nama ǃgu = Acacia reficiens. Die plaaseienaar se verklaring lyk bepaald oortuigend, taalkundig sowel as om sy rasionaal. 'Die plek (-b) wat ryk (-cha-, d.i. -xa-) is aan ǃgu-bome'. Die PNK het toe die spelling van die naam van die halte verander op aanwysings van dr Vedder tot Gomuchab (vgl. APN 1951 130 en Spoorwegrooster).
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