
Descending on the soundbuilding could also have thought of 'rhino place' (inawa- = rhino, andǃ Kei-s [ǃ Khae-s] = place), to 'red spot' (for naBA = red look eg To 'lightning' (NAAA B = flash) etc., but the two men are another connection (eg with ǀǀ naBA = there) for the name of Farm No. 322, Dist. Mariental, and Mrs. Franzius binds it with Nawa = 'Blitzen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 269); With that, the question remains open. As far as we are concerned, we believe that the member -Gei-S in Nabais means 'big', i.t.m. NaBA-Kharis, so about the 'big source (s) of the rhinos (Inaba)'. It lies northwestern Aranos to the Nossob.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2318/2319
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Ki, Gr. Nabagis ', fountains. Reimann GPE 1974 per Kilian EP Former Principal 'Nabague: Volgere meaning, viz. 'Keep community there.' Van der Westhuizen Rev pjw per city clerk Gobabis 'Nabagis: To let go of'. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Conversation 'Nabais: Reflection, reflection, flash or sparkle'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'KI., Gr. Nabageis', fonteine. Reimann GPE 1974 per Kilian EP oud-skoolhoof 'Nabageis: vulgere betekenis, nl. ‘Hou daar gemeenskap’.' Van der Westhuizen ds PJW per Stadsklerk Gobabis 'Nabageis: om agterom te laat gaan'. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'Nabageis: weerkaatsing, weerspieeling, blits of skitter'.
eng Descending on the soundbuilding could also have thought of 'rhino place' (inawa- = rhino, andǃ Kei-s [ǃ Khae-s] = place), to 'red spot' (for naBA = red look eg To 'lightning' (NAAA B = flash) etc., but the two men are another connection (eg with ǀǀ naBA = there) for the name of Farm No. 322, Dist. Mariental, and Mrs. Franzius binds it with Nawa = 'Blitzen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 269); With that, the question remains open. As far as we are concerned, we believe that the member -Gei-S in Nabais means 'big', i.t.m. NaBA-Kharis, so about the 'big source (s) of the rhinos (Inaba)'. It lies northwestern Aranos to the Nossob.
afr Afgaande op die klankbousel sou mens ook kon gedink het aan 'Renosterplek' (Inawa- = renoster, en ǃkei-s [ǃkhae-s] = plek), aan 'Rooiplek' (vir naba = rooi kyk bv. NABATSAUB) of aan 'Weerligplek' (nawa-b = blits) ens., maar die twee mans le ’n ander verband (bv. met ǀǀnaba = daar) vir die naam van plaas nr 322, dist. Mariental, en mev. Franzius ver- bind dit met nawa = 'blitzen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 269); daarmee bly die vraag oop. Wat ons betref, ons meen dat die lid -gei-s in Nabageis beteken 'groot', i.t.m. Naba-kharis, dus so ongeveer die 'Grootbron (-s) van die renosters (Inaba)'. Dit le noordwestelik van Aranos aan die Nossob.
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