
Like Nama ǀ Ga- = grass, and o = eat, with -s what it is a fountain. 'Fonalin where there is grass to eat'. Otherwise as suggested by Mr Boois, viz. ǀ Ga-, and particle -6 = '--less', ǀ Gao = grassless. One meaning is almost straightforward to the other. If the name meant 'grassless', one would have expected that Witbooi and Rust would have spelled it according to as the Gaos, which was the fixed orthography for this by 1885. How easy the writing one can lead to a wrong track, it appears that in VRV 9 15 under 1885 the same cap. H. Witbooi's version (mistakenly, we know) of the place 'ǀ Gaos' was, a form that one of our consulted will interpret as ǀ Gaos = 'Kein Obdach'. The nameness must take into account numerous kinds of pitfalls ǃǃ Grade square is traveled. Not in this form farm name.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng WitBooi H 1885 sources 22 321 'Ga-OS'. Rust F SNR 1885 Sources 17 92 '... came to ǀ Gaos, good a Tasmer trip this rehoboth ...' This, Aldaar 161 '... to ǀ Gaos, a spot in fish river, 5 Taersis from Gibeon. .. 'Boois J 1974 Taalassistent Aantekening's' ǀ Gaos = Special Grass '.
afr Witbooi H 1885 Quellen 22 321 'Ga-os'. Rust F snr 1885 Quellen 17 92 '...kamen nach ǀGaos, gut eine Tagereise dies- seits Rehoboth...' Dies, aldaar 161 '...nach ǀGaos, einer Stelle im Fischfluss, 5 Tagereisen von Gibeon entfernt...' Boois J 1974 Taalassistent Aantekening ‘'ǀGaos = Sonder gras'.
eng Like Nama ǀ Ga- = grass, and o = eat, with -s what it is a fountain. 'Fonalin where there is grass to eat'. Otherwise as suggested by Mr Boois, viz. ǀ Ga-, and particle -6 = '--less', ǀ Gao = grassless. One meaning is almost straightforward to the other. If the name meant 'grassless', one would have expected that Witbooi and Rust would have spelled it according to as the Gaos, which was the fixed orthography for this by 1885. How easy the writing one can lead to a wrong track, it appears that in VRV 9 15 under 1885 the same cap. H. Witbooi's version (mistakenly, we know) of the place 'ǀ Gaos' was, a form that one of our consulted will interpret as ǀ Gaos = 'Kein Obdach'. The nameness must take into account numerous kinds of pitfalls ǃǃ Grade square is traveled. Not in this form farm name.
afr Soos Nama ǀga- = gras, en o = vreet, met -s wat se dat dit ’n fontein is. 'Fon- tein waar daar gras is om te vreet'. Anders soos voorgestel deur mnr Boois, nl. ǀga-, en partikel -6 = '-loos', ǀgao = grasloos. Die een betekenis is byna lynreg teenoor die ander. Indien die naam 'grasloos' beteken het, sou mens verwag het dat Witbooi en Rust dit ooreenkomstig sou gespel het as ǀGaos, wat die vaste ortografie hiervoor teen 1885 was. Hoe maklik die skryfwyse ’n mens kan lei op ’n dwaalspoor, blyk daaruit dat in VRV 9 15 onder 1885 dieselfde kapt. H. Witbooi se weergawe (verkeerdelik, weet ons) van die plek 'ǀGaos' was, ’n vorm wat een van ons geraadpleegdes gaan interpreteer het as ǀGaos = 'Kein Obdach'. Die naamkundige moet met talle soorte slaggate rekening houǃǃ Graadvierkant is afgelêi. Nie in hierdie vorm plaasnaam nie.
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