
The biblical name Rehoboth has suppressed the old inland name ǀ Anis = smoke, and from early on. The 'smoke' is based on a parable with the water vapor on the hot sources, especially in the winter time. Here are no problems with the meaning. Nama ǀ Ani = Smoke (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 13), the female genus indexes locates a source, here then the 'smoking place'. Mr J Booish 1974 Language Assistant Note The following is grammatically correct: 'Anis is actually .)

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
nou Rehoboth
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn CH 1845 sources 25 8 'The place Rehoboth (Annis)'. Vollmer FH 1854 Sources 5 56 'Vannis (Rehoboth)' [V = ǀ, DUS ǀ ANNIS.] Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'Rehoboth, ǀ Anis', SendingStasie, OP S 2317. Sprigade Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Rehoboth (Anis, Glenelg Bath) '. Vedder 1928 Joernaal 4, EN 1965 SWAWV SP 3 58 'Rehoboth has received its biblical name in 1844 by Missionar FH Kleinschmidt, which is located under the Swartboois Nieders living there. [N.A.V. Gen. 26:24, the Het Vir ons Ruimte Gemaak, Rehoboth = Bree Ruimte.] The Swartboois called Rehoboth in her language ǀ Anis, ie smoke, because it noted that on cold winter days, especially in the morning, over the strong Flowing warm source One of the smoke similar cloud of water steam ... '
afr Hahn CH 1845 Quellen 25 8 'Der Ort Rehoboth (Annis)'. Vollmer FH 1854 Quellen 5 56 'vAnnis (Rehoboth)' [v = ǀ, dus ǀAnnis.] Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Rehoboth, ǀAnis', sendingstasie, op S 2317. Sprigade- Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Rehoboth (Anis, Glenelg Bath)'. Vedder 1928 Joernaal 4, en 1965 SWAWV SP 3 58 'Rehoboth hat seinen biblischen Namen in 1844 von Missionar FH Kleinschmidt erhalten, der sich unter den dort wohnenden Swartboois niederliess. [N.a.v. Gen. 26:24, die Here het vir ons ruimte gemaak, Rehoboth = bree ruimte.] Die Swartboois nannten Rehoboth in ihrer Sprache ǀAnis, d.h. Rauch, denn es fiel ihnen auf, dass an kalten Wintertagen, besonders morgens, iiber der stark fliessenden warmen Quelle eine dem Rauch ahnliche Wolke von Wasser- dampfen stand...'
eng Smoking place
afr Rokende Plek
eng The biblical name Rehoboth has suppressed the old inland name ǀ Anis = smoke, and from early on. The 'smoke' is based on a parable with the water vapor on the hot sources, especially in the winter time. Here are no problems with the meaning. Nama ǀ Ani = Smoke (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 13), the female genus indexes locates a source, here then the 'smoking place'. Mr J Booish 1974 Language Assistant Note The following is grammatically correct: 'Anis is actually .)
afr Die Bybelse naam Rehoboth het die ou inlandse naam ǀAnis = Rook verdring, en wel van vroeg af. Die 'rook' berus op ’n gelykenis met die waterdamp smorens op die warm bronne, veral in die wintertyd. Hier is geen probleme met die betekenis ondervind nie. Nama ǀani = rook (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 13), die vroulike genusindeks -s lokativeer 'n bron, hier dan die 'Rokende Plek'. Mnr J Boois 1974 Taalassistent Aantekening se die volgende is grammaties meer korrek: 'Anis is eintlik ǀAnhes — ǀan = rook, -he is passiewe agtervoegsel, dus ǀAnhe = gerook word', met die bronnamige plekduiding -s (fern, sing.)
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