
Mossop in a footnote at Van Reenen's sum's o.a. 'Nama: Tsub, A Male Calf. The Tsaun Which Joins The Fish River West or Kalkrand. That It is Identical With The 'Chounp At Horn and the -m at Van Reenen is a realization of the dynumisized You in Nama Tsau- of Rehoboth. The -b (Masc.) of the genus Locativates river names. IM ZAUBFLUS ... IST DAS GRAB VON ... Vollmer ... ', for whom we quoted whorlop.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Van rainy was '1792 VR Liederobie Na the Vienna Roodi' NIGHTHER HOUR ITS THE SOMMASSH 2 1937 EMCIAL VilleA 2 MILLENEL 2 MILLENE, OR CALL River '. ibid. 199' ... Aloung The Chounp, We, And Off-Packed At A POLOL CALLSAMS 5 156 SCALL NOW '; Ook by fulls FH 1859 Sources 5 111' ... SEND FLAYS NAME NAME OR CALB ... '
afr Van Reenen W 1792 VRV 15 310 'Van de Vischrivier na de Som of Kalfs- rivier...naar de Sommers of een Sakrivier...' Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 195 'After 30 miles we packed off at the Chounp, or calf river'. Ibid. 199 '...along the Chounp, we crossed it, and off-packed at a pool called Hoakosams...' Vollmer mev. W 1866 Quellen 5 157 '...Zaub nahe beim Fischfluss...'; ook by Vollmer FH 1859 Quellen 5 111 '...einen Fluss namens Zaub oder Kalb...'
eng Mossop in a footnote at Van Reenen's sum's o.a. 'Nama: Tsub, A Male Calf. The Tsaun Which Joins The Fish River West or Kalkrand. That It is Identical With The 'Chounp At Horn and the -m at Van Reenen is a realization of the dynumisized You in Nama Tsau- of Rehoboth. The -b (Masc.) of the genus Locativates river names. IM ZAUBFLUS ... IST DAS GRAB VON ... Vollmer ... ', for whom we quoted whorlop.
afr Mossop in 'n voetnoot by Van Reenen se Som se o.a. 'Nama: tsaub, a male calf. The Tsaun which joins the Fish River west of Kalkrand. That it is identical with the ‘Chounp'...of Alexander's map of 1834 is proved by Alexander's mention of the pool Hoakosams...' Die Ch- van Alexander moet waarskynlik verklank word soos in Engels chou. Die -n(p) by horn en die -m by Van Reenen is 'n realisasie van die genasaliseerde u in Nama tsau-. Vandag leef die naam vertaald voort as Kalfrivier vir plaas nr 459 en Kalfrivier-Wes nr 460, distrik Rehoboth, aan die gelyknamige riviertjie, suid van Rehoboth. Die -b (masc.) van die genus lokativeer riviername. lOlpp J snr. 1867 Quellen 14 40 deel ons iets mee wat met die betekenis niks te doen het nie maar tog hier in- gevleg mag word, nl. 'Dort im Zaubfluss...ist das Grab von...Vollmer...', vir wie ons hoerop aangehaal het.
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