
A dry run in Bergdamaraland just the kierib (his map). Chun- was in the Nama today, it is called nowǃ (Ch) Oa-B, the -n of Chun- is the nasal realization of the pedigree; In Old Cape it was O.M. Koa, at Lichtenstein for Kora Ikoamp (Hott 295). The -chuap for 'hole' can be compared to Old Capeǃ Cold (Hott 271), in Namaǃ Goa-B, 'Loch (Graben)' at Rust. 'Haste hole' sounds a strange name for a 'river', it refers to a hole where there were rabbits. Cfg. Oanoab. Uncertain whether the Chuap is hearing as Chua-P, in which the -P is also spot indicatively, then as a contraction with -ap for Namaǃ Ab = River, literally then 'the Haasgatter River'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 150 '...we off-packed in the dry bed of the Chunchuap (or Hare Hole) River'.
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 150 '...we off-packed in the dry bed of the Chunchuap (or Hare Hole) River'.
eng The Haasgatrivier
afr Die Haasgatrivier
eng A dry run in Bergdamaraland just the kierib (his map). Chun- was in the Nama today, it is called nowǃ (Ch) Oa-B, the -n of Chun- is the nasal realization of the pedigree; In Old Cape it was O.M. Koa, at Lichtenstein for Kora Ikoamp (Hott 295). The -chuap for 'hole' can be compared to Old Capeǃ Cold (Hott 271), in Namaǃ Goa-B, 'Loch (Graben)' at Rust. 'Haste hole' sounds a strange name for a 'river', it refers to a hole where there were rabbits. Cfg. Oanoab. Uncertain whether the Chuap is hearing as Chua-P, in which the -P is also spot indicatively, then as a contraction with -ap for Namaǃ Ab = River, literally then 'the Haasgatter River'.
afr ’n droë lopie in Bergdamaraland net besuide die Kuisib (sy landkaart). Chun- is in die Nama van vandag gedevelariseer, dit heet nou ǃ(ch)oa-b, die -n van Chun- is die nasale realisasie van die stamvokaal; in Ou-Kaaps was dit o.m. koa, by lichtenstein vir Kora Ikoamp (HOTT 295). Die -chuap vir 'gat' kan vergelyk word met Ou-Kaaps ǃkou- (HOTT 271), in Nama ǃgoa-b, 'loch (Graben)' by Rust. 'Haasgat' klink ’n vreemde naam vir ’n 'rivier', dit verwys na ’n gat waar daar hase was. Vgl. OANOAB. Onseker of die chuap te hore is as chua-p, waarin die -p ook plekaanduidend is, dan wel as ’n sametrekking met -ap vir Nama ǃab = rivier, letterlik dan 'Die Haasgatrivier'.
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