Ganigub(Berge) Kyk Ook Khanigukha

The juice analyzed the name as consisting of ǀǀ Gani = 'Rotbunt (Tierfarbe)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 82), and Gub = Sheep, Hamel. Mr Hacke gives the necessary linguistic explanation to his statement, a statement that .i. The preference must be, even though the suction consonant does not match the Hahn's dental.

About this item

Ganigub(Berge) Kyk Ook Khanigukha
Alternative Title
Ganigub(Berge) Kyk Ook Khanigukha
Georeference Sources
S 2317
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Flahn th 1879 map 'ǀ Ganigub Mts.', Northeast of Rehoboth. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Ganigub-BGE.' SAP Rehoboth 1974 Interrogation 'It's but the fur shutter'. Haacke Whg 1976 Assistant Education Planner Note 'It seems to be referred to the ǀǀ Khanigukha Mountains, northeast of Rehoboth. They are clearly identifiable to the gate that separates them. Through the gate, according to my information, the Luseb River ('USIB') ... ǀǀ Khani = 'crushed (by non-living objects mostly)', GU: reciprocal; Kha Manl. Dualist. The name has a legendary origin. An important route to the north (ǀ Ae ǀǀ Gams) walked through the gate. Travelers had to sacrifice for the mountains of their pad food or tobacco, otherwise they were crushed in the gate through the mountains. (Cf. O.A. Also Chapter 14 in Nama Language Bookie Std. 2) '.
afr Flahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀGanigub Mts.', noordoos van Rehoboth. Sprigade- Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Ganigub-Bge.' SAP Rehoboth 1974 Ondervraging 'Dis maar die Bontskaapberge'. Haacke WHG 1976 Assistent-Onderwysbeplanner Aantekening 'Dit lyk asof hier verwys word na die ǀǀKhanigukha-berge, noordoos van Rehoboth. Hulle is duidelik uitkenbaar aan die poort wat hulle skei. Deur die poort loop, volgens my inligting, die lUsebrivier ('Usib')...ǀǀkhani = 'verbrysel (deur nie-lewende voorwerpe meesal)’, gu: resiprokaal; kha manl. dualis. Die naam het 'n legendariese oorsprong. ’n Belangrike roete na die noorde (ǀAeǀǀgams) het deur die poort geloop. Reisigers moes vir die berge van hulle padkos of tabak offer, anders word hulle in die poort deur die berge verbrysel. (Vgl. o.a. ook hoofstuk 14 in Nama-taalboekie std. 2)'.
eng The juice analyzed the name as consisting of ǀǀ Gani = 'Rotbunt (Tierfarbe)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 82), and Gub = Sheep, Hamel. Mr Hacke gives the necessary linguistic explanation to his statement, a statement that .i. The preference must be, even though the suction consonant does not match the Hahn's dental.
afr Die SAP het die naam ontleed as bestaande uit ǀǀgani = 'rotbunt (Tierfarbe)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 82), en gub = skaap, hamel. Mnr Haacke gee die nodige taalkundige verduideliking by sy verklaring daar, 'n verklaring wat o.i. die voorkeur moet kry, al stem die suigkonsonant nie ooreen met die dentaal van Hahn nie.
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