
Knudsen's recording to transcribe as aChoaberib, the colon in front suggests the ╪. First member such as Nama ╪khoa-B, Kora ╪xoa-B = Elephant, Second Member Behavior B [Pere-B] = Bread. Not sure which succulent is meant, possibly the Portulacaria afra, also specified bacon or elephant food. Hahn's spelling ╪xoa for 'elephant' (Nama = fkhoa today) joins the Korana ruling (cf. Hott 405). This name is later also explained otherwise by TH Hahn 1901 who then wants to use the place name as proof that the Khoekhoen has possessed goats, and not only farmed with sheep and cattle, as Theal claims. Hahn regards the member -Beri-B now as means 'Bok', today spelled -piri. Cfg. Furthermore, Khoaberib. Hahn undoubtedly uneven. The name continues in the name for Farm No. 47, Dist. Windhoek.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 144 'Wir Kamen Abends in: Choa-Berib (Elefantenbrod) An ...' hahn th 1879 map '╪xoaberib', strain on given grade square. Rabie AP 1973 Boer questionnaire 'Choaberib, farm, 96 km south of Windhoek. Means 'elephant bread', from Choab (elephant) and Berib (bread) '. The same information from Mrs. A.C. Malan 1973 received in a letter, and from the SAP Rehoboth 1974 in questioning.
afr Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 144 'Wir kamen abends in :Choa-berib (Elefantenbrod) an...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Xoaberib', uitspanning op gegewe graadvierkant. Rabie AP 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Choaberib, plaas, 96 km suid van Windhoek. Beteken ‘Olifantsbrood’, uit choab (olifant) en berib (brood)'. Dieselfde inligting van mev. A.C. Malan 1973 in ’n brief ontvang, en van die SAP Rehoboth 1974 by ondervraging.
eng Elephant bread (bacon tree)
afr Olifantbrood (Spekboom)
eng Knudsen's recording to transcribe as aChoaberib, the colon in front suggests the ╪. First member such as Nama ╪khoa-B, Kora ╪xoa-B = Elephant, Second Member Behavior B [Pere-B] = Bread. Not sure which succulent is meant, possibly the Portulacaria afra, also specified bacon or elephant food. Hahn's spelling ╪xoa for 'elephant' (Nama = fkhoa today) joins the Korana ruling (cf. Hott 405). This name is later also explained otherwise by TH Hahn 1901 who then wants to use the place name as proof that the Khoekhoen has possessed goats, and not only farmed with sheep and cattle, as Theal claims. Hahn regards the member -Beri-B now as means 'Bok', today spelled -piri. Cfg. Furthermore, Khoaberib. Hahn undoubtedly uneven. The name continues in the name for Farm No. 47, Dist. Windhoek.
afr Knudsen se optekening te transkribeer as ╪Choaberib, die dubbelpunt vooraan stel die ╪ voor. Eerste lid soos Nama ╪khoa-b, Kora ╪xoa-b = olifant, tweede lid bere-b [pere-b] = brood. Nie seker watter vetplant bedoel word nie, moontlik die Portulacaria afra, ook spekboom of olifantskos genoem. Hahn se spelling ╪xoa- vir 'olifant' (Nama =fkhoa- vandag) sluit direk aan by die Koranauitspraak (vgl. HOTT 405). Hierdie naam word later ook anders verklaar deur Th Hahn 1901 wat die pleknaam dan wil gebruik as bewys dat die Khoekhoen bokke besit het, en nie net met skaap en bees geboer het nie, soos Theal beweer. Hahn beskou die lid -beri-b nou as betekenende 'bok', vandag gespel -piri-. Vgl. verder KHOABERIB. Hahn het ongetwyfeld ongelyk. Die naam leef voort in die naam vir plaas nr 47, dist. Windhoek.
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