
The first ingredient relates to the stem name Nama, as indicated above; -Corabis can be as whole as xorabes = 'Wasserloch', at Xora = 'Nach Wasser Graben' (Kr.- Suffiks. Rather, the concept is 'waterhole' than 'Graafwater', apparently communications of our sayings.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Van der Merwe SD 1973 Farmer questionnaire 'My one farm Namakorabis No. 13 (Dist. Windhoek) has an inexhaustible fountain. Means' drinking place of the Namas', Nama Gora A (Nama waterhole) '. Van der Merwe MM 1974 Housewife Questionnaire 'Namakorabis, farm No. 13, Dist. Windhoek. Means' Nama Gorra 'Watergat'. The place never dries up. It is above now, and altogether calved from stone, it is like a tank, just unfathomable deep. It was the Namas Water Drink '.
afr Van der Merwe SD 1973 Boer Vraelys 'My een plaas Namakorabis nr 13 (dist. Windhoek) het ’n onuitputlike fontein. Beteken ‘Drinkplek van die Namas’, Nama Gora A (Nama watergat drink)'. Van der Merwe MM 1974 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Namakorabis, plaas nr 13, dist. Windhoek. Beteken ’Nama-gorra ‘watergat’. Die plek droog nooit op nie. Dit is bo nou, en geheel en al uit klip gekalf, dit is soos 'n tenk, net onpeilbaar diep. Dit was die Namas se waterdrinkplek'.
eng The first ingredient relates to the stem name Nama, as indicated above; -Corabis can be as whole as xorabes = 'Wasserloch', at Xora = 'Nach Wasser Graben' (Kr.- Suffiks. Rather, the concept is 'waterhole' than 'Graafwater', apparently communications of our sayings.
afr Die eerste bestanddeel het betrekking op die stamnaam Nama-, soos aangegee hierbo; -korabis kan as geheel wees soos xorabes = 'Wasserloch', by xora = 'nach Wasser graben' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 47), of dit is 'n samestelling by xora- vir 'graafwater' plus -bis as lokativerende suffiks. Die begrip is eerder 'watergat' as 'graafwater', blykens mededelings van ons segsliede.
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