
It is farm No. 177 to Nauzerus, and Le southwest of Rehoboth. PNC decides, in good faith, to change the farm name Nauams to noums for carbus stop on Nauams. They do this based on the proposal of Dr. Vedder. Dr. Vedder is probably not serious. The only ground for his statement is sound association. But it's not enough. Nau- can be many other things than ╪nou [╪na] = hit (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 301). Three places are here at or close together, each of which has the ingredient Nau-, viz. Nauchas, Nauzerus and our Nauams. One expects a common content because of their geographical commitment. But Dr. Vedder explains everyone else and persuades the PNC to change the spellings according to its variable beliefs (mutilated in fact), and on the basis of random giss. Nauams le near Nauchas. 11 km south from there. At Nauchas we received a communication from the farm owner who identified the Nau- late as an Euclea sp., A broom gray, look there. We think it can be the same word with the same meaning here. The -am- is then a water location, eg. a fountain or puts or reinstige opening (mouth). The -s usually locates a fountain. 'Besemghwarriefontein'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng PNK 1947 'Nauams'. Place, thereon eponymous motorbus stop, 106 km from rehoboth station to Nouchas II km further. 'Nama: ╪Nou-AMS = ort, wo man EINAM GENDEND SEND Mund (Spitze) Hat. H. Vedder '
afr PNK 1947 'Nauams'. Plaas, daarop gelyknamige motorbushalte, 106 km van Rehobothstasie na Nouchas II km verder. 'Nama: ╪Nou-ams = Ort, wo man einem Gegenstand einen Mund (Spitze) geschlagen hat. H. Vedder'
eng It is farm No. 177 to Nauzerus, and Le southwest of Rehoboth. PNC decides, in good faith, to change the farm name Nauams to noums for carbus stop on Nauams. They do this based on the proposal of Dr. Vedder. Dr. Vedder is probably not serious. The only ground for his statement is sound association. But it's not enough. Nau- can be many other things than ╪nou [╪na] = hit (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 301). Three places are here at or close together, each of which has the ingredient Nau-, viz. Nauchas, Nauzerus and our Nauams. One expects a common content because of their geographical commitment. But Dr. Vedder explains everyone else and persuades the PNC to change the spellings according to its variable beliefs (mutilated in fact), and on the basis of random giss. Nauams le near Nauchas. 11 km south from there. At Nauchas we received a communication from the farm owner who identified the Nau- late as an Euclea sp., A broom gray, look there. We think it can be the same word with the same meaning here. The -am- is then a water location, eg. a fountain or puts or reinstige opening (mouth). The -s usually locates a fountain. 'Besemghwarriefontein'.
afr Dit is plaas nr 177 aan hoofpad na Nauzerus, en le suidwes van Rehoboth. PNK besluit, in goeie trou, om die plaasnaam Nauams te verander tot Nouams vir die motorbushalte op Nauams. Hulle doen dit op grond van die voorstel van dr Vedder. Dr Vedder is darem seker nie ernstig gewees nie. Die enigste grond vir sy verklaring is klankassosiatief. Maar dit is nie genoeg nie. Nau- kan baie ander dinge wees as ╪nou [ ╪nau] = slaan (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 301). Drie plekke le hier by- of naby mekaar waarvan elkeen die bestanddeel Nau- het, nl. Nauchas, Nauzerus en ons Nauams. Mens verwag ’n gemeenskaplike inhoud omrede hulle geografiese verbondenheid. Maar dr Vedder verklaar elkeen anders en oorreed die PNK om die spellings ooreenkomstig sy varierende opvattings te verander (in feite te vermink), en wel op grond van lukrake gissings. Nauams le naby NAUCHAS. 11 km suidwaarts daarvandaan af. By Nauchas het ons ’n mededeling van die plaaseienares ontvang wat die nau- laat identifiseer het as ’n Euclea sp., ’n besemghwarrie, kyk daar. Ons meen dit kan dieselfde woord wees met dieselfde betekenis hier. Die -am- is dan 'n waterplek, bv. 'n fontein of puts of ronderige opening (mond). Die -s lokativeer juis gewoonlik ’n fontein. 'Besemghwarriefontein'.
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