
In 1947, Dr Vedder had no explanation, and a half years later. The statement is based on what is happening to us as a photographed story called by its identification of Nau- with Namaǃ Nao = upload (phase two: What should be uploaded? - An answer is not noticed). Phonetically does not satisfy his statement. However, Dr of Warmelo proposes to change the spelling of the stopping to Naoseros, a proposal that was repealed in 1968. The meaning of the police, received them without a doubt of people who were considered by them, one of whom had to be a dragon. Are we going out, then the keyword 'Klipbank', in Namaǃ Hau-B, -s = 'The Fels-Wasserbank' (Kr. - Nau- is then equal to ihau-, and in that case we again cf. usher the change n and h. e.g. NABUS AND 5 D 6. The information from Mr Jackson who is on inquiry among laborers proves just how difficult it has become to give an unambiguous answer. Maybe it's the best answer to this: We don't knowǃ In fact, we have just told part of the story, also confirmed the rest. There is a thick learning about the name: Another grip. The farm owner Jackson GV applied in 1965 that the spelling of the bus stop Naoseros on his farm Nauzerus 'to be corrected' to Nauzerus. This gave rise to a tremendous written among the departments and Anipenars worked telephone and typewriter hot. Inquiries brought new statements, so of the 'ethnologist of the education' (small grandmother, or overburdened, or the stains on an animal), from Dr. Vedder (NAO = hear or listen, SE = female, Ros = bit, 'Ie wife, listen to a little'), of Rev. DEHL ('It comes from Haoseros: hau = rock, se = rocky, ro = small: rocky place'). Eventually, the case appears before the Administrator of South West Africa that Mr Jackson's request, further expressed by Horn personally at an interview, disapproves, but the Administrator is succeeded by Mr J van der Wath, which allows on December 18, 1968 and the Spelling Nauzerus also recovered for the bus stop. Not because he then knew what Nauzerus means, but on other grounds. For the joke is still being said that in this way and courageous decision had been given with the resistance of one of its highest officials who were beaten. Again we remind that Dr Dove has already noticed that now (alright) as place name ' This is undoubtedly the same Nau-. At Nauchas 2316 we could get a twig of the tree and make it idle as a broom grief (Euclea sp.). If correct, then the NAU or now, the main ingredient of various place names, also form the ingredient of the first member of Nauzerus.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2316
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng PNK 10 12 1947 'Nauzerus'. Place and subtract motorbus stop 142 km from rehoboth station on route to solitaire. 'Der Endung Nach Zum Nama, IM UEbrigem Dunkel. H. Vedder '. Ibid. 19 7 1949 'The police provided the following information. The name of the farm comes from the Hottentot, with a bang on the first two letters ... their spelling is [Nauzerus ... The name means 'flat stone banks where water stands. Through the farm, two rivers run. At each of the rivers there is a fountain coming from the mountains. Near the fountains, the river has a solid bank with deep rinsed holes in the stone bank. These holes are almost constantly filled with water and this is from there where the place got its name. A very old colored Jacobus Draghoender told me that he already knows the place from 1895 as Nauzerus ... In my opinion, the name is already very old ... at the fountain water there is to see Bushman paintings everywhere. . 'Vedder Letter 4 8 1949 to PNC that submitted the above data from the police:' Namatal: Inaoseeros; ǃ nao = to upload, -ro- = a bit, -s = las = location. Translation: Location to upload a little (meat). The old Hunters of the Namaland had the habit of collecting the meat in this place during their hunting trips and making stainlessness. In the caves of the mountains, they also broke away the meat stock and pick it up in small bearings to their homes '. Jackson Il 1974 Farmer Questionnaire 'Nauzerus, Farm, Dist. Windhoek, About 115 km West of Rehoboth and About 30 km West or Small Aub. Three Explanations: (i) A Strange person. (2) A Body in The Bank: Nau = Body, Saurus = Body, Zorus = Live Body. There is supposed to be a rock formation in A River Bank That Looks Like A Prostrate Body; OR There is a Grave of An Unknown Person (Possibly A German Soldier on Horseback) Near This River. (3) A Blue Well. The Rock Formation in The River Which Flows Past The Present Homestead is A Blueiseh Color (Shale) and there is a well in this formation, NWO = Blue, sob = well. Information provided by Three Different Farm Laborers ... 'Basingthwawe V 1974 Farmer Conversation' Nauzerus - Load, Download, or Throw off ... '
afr PNK 10 12 1947 'Nauzerus'. Plaas en daarop motorbushalte 142 km van Rehobothstasie af op roete na Solitaire. 'Der Endung nach zum Nama gehorig, im Uebrigem dunkel. H. Vedder'. Ibid. 19 7 1949 'Die Polisie het die volgende inligting verskaf. Die naam van die plaas is afkomstig van die Hottentottaal, met 'n klapgeluid op die eerste twee letters...Hulle spelling is [nauzerus...Die naam beteken ‘plat klipbanke waar water staan’. Deur die plaas loop twee riviere. By elkeen van die riviere is daar 'n fontein wat uit die berge kom. Naby die fonteine het die rivier ’n soliede bank met diep uitgespoelde gate in die klipbank. Hierdie gate is byna gedurig vol water en dit is vandaar waar die plek sy naam gekry het. ’n Baie ou kleurling Jacobus Draghoender het my meegedeel dat hy die plek reeds vanaf 1895 as Nauzerus ken...In my opinie is die naam reeds baie oud...By die fonteinwater is daar volgens die huidige eienaar oral Boesmanskilderye te sien...' Vedder brief 4 8 1949 aan PNK wat bostaande gegewens van die Polisie aan horn voorgelê het: 'Namataal: INaoseros; ǃnao = om op te laai, -ro- = 'n bietjie, -s = afkorting van las = plek. Vertaling: Plek om 'n bietjie (vleis) op te laai. Die ou jagters van die Namaland het die gewoonte gehad om tydens hulle jagtogte op hierdie plek die vleis bymekaar te haal en vlekvleis daar- van te maak. In die spelonke van die berge het hulle dan die vleisvoorraad weggebere en dit in klein draaglaste na hulle woonplekke laat haal'. Jackson Il 1974 Farmer Questionnaire 'Nauzerus, Farm, dist. Windhoek, about 115 km west of Rehoboth and about 30 km west of Klein Aub. Three explanations: (I) A strange person. (2) A body in the bank: nau = body, saurus = body, soorus = live body. There is supposed to be a rock formation in a river bank that looks like a prostrate body; or there is a grave of an unknown person (possibly a German soldier on horseback) near this river. (3) A blue well. The rock formation in the river which flows past the present homestead is a blueish colour (shale) and there is a well in this formation, nwo = blue, sob = well. Information provided by three different farm labourers...' Bassingthwaighte V 1974 Boer Gesprek 'Nauzerus - laai, aflaai, of gooi af...'
eng In 1947, Dr Vedder had no explanation, and a half years later. The statement is based on what is happening to us as a photographed story called by its identification of Nau- with Namaǃ Nao = upload (phase two: What should be uploaded? - An answer is not noticed). Phonetically does not satisfy his statement. However, Dr of Warmelo proposes to change the spelling of the stopping to Naoseros, a proposal that was repealed in 1968. The meaning of the police, received them without a doubt of people who were considered by them, one of whom had to be a dragon. Are we going out, then the keyword 'Klipbank', in Namaǃ Hau-B, -s = 'The Fels-Wasserbank' (Kr. - Nau- is then equal to ihau-, and in that case we again cf. usher the change n and h. e.g. NABUS AND 5 D 6. The information from Mr Jackson who is on inquiry among laborers proves just how difficult it has become to give an unambiguous answer. Maybe it's the best answer to this: We don't knowǃ In fact, we have just told part of the story, also confirmed the rest. There is a thick learning about the name: Another grip. The farm owner Jackson GV applied in 1965 that the spelling of the bus stop Naoseros on his farm Nauzerus 'to be corrected' to Nauzerus. This gave rise to a tremendous written among the departments and Anipenars worked telephone and typewriter hot. Inquiries brought new statements, so of the 'ethnologist of the education' (small grandmother, or overburdened, or the stains on an animal), from Dr. Vedder (NAO = hear or listen, SE = female, Ros = bit, 'Ie wife, listen to a little'), of Rev. DEHL ('It comes from Haoseros: hau = rock, se = rocky, ro = small: rocky place'). Eventually, the case appears before the Administrator of South West Africa that Mr Jackson's request, further expressed by Horn personally at an interview, disapproves, but the Administrator is succeeded by Mr J van der Wath, which allows on December 18, 1968 and the Spelling Nauzerus also recovered for the bus stop. Not because he then knew what Nauzerus means, but on other grounds. For the joke is still being said that in this way and courageous decision had been given with the resistance of one of its highest officials who were beaten. Again we remind that Dr Dove has already noticed that now (alright) as place name ' This is undoubtedly the same Nau-. At Nauchas 2316 we could get a twig of the tree and make it idle as a broom grief (Euclea sp.). If correct, then the NAU or now, the main ingredient of various place names, also form the ingredient of the first member of Nauzerus.
afr In 1947 het dr Vedder geen verklaring gehad nie, anderhalf jaar later wel. Die verklaring berus op wat vir ons voorkom as ’n gepoetiseerde verhaaltjie wat opgeroep is deur sy vereenselwiging van Nau- met Nama ǃnao = oplaai (fase twee: wat moet opgelaai word? - 'n antwoord word bygedig). Foneties bevredig sy verklaring ook nie. Tog stel dr Van Warmelo voor om die spelling van die stopplek te verander tot Naoseros, ’n voorstel wat aanvaar maar in 1968 herroep is. Die betekenis wat die Polisie meedeel, het hulle sonder veel twyfel gekry van persone wat deur hulle bevoeg beskou was, van wie een Draghoender moes gewees het. Gaan ons daarvan uit, dan is die sleutelwoord 'klipbank', in Nama ǃhau-b, -s = 'die Fels-Wasserbank' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 170). Nau- is dan gelyk te stel aan IHau-, en in die geval het ons weer die wisseling n- en h- wat allofonies te waardeer is, vgl. bv. NAOBUS en 5 D 6. Die inligting van mnr Jackson wat op navraag onder die arbeiders berus, bewys net hoe moeilik dit geword het om 'n ondubbelsinnige antwoord te gee. Miskien is dit die beste antwoord tot hiertoe: ons weet nieǃ Trouens, ons het maar ’n deel van die storie vertel, ook die res bevestig dit. Daar is ’n dik leer oor die naam: daaruit nog ’n grepie. Die plaaseienaar Jackson GV doen in 1965 aansoek dat die spelling van die bushalte Naoseros op sy plaas Nauzerus 'reggemaak' moet word tot Nauzerus. Dit het tot ’n geweldige geskryf onder die departemente aanleiding gegee en aniptenare het telefoon en tikmasjien warm gewerk. Navrae het nuwe verklarings gebring, so van die 'Etnoloog van die Afdeling Onderwys' (klein oumatjie, of oorbelaai, of die vlekke op ’n dier), van dr Vedder (nao = hoor of luister, se = vroulik, ros = bietjie, 'd.w.s. Vrou, luister tog so 'n bietjie'), van eerw. Diehl ('Dit kom van Haoseros: hau = rots, se = rotsagtig, ro = klein: rotsagtige plek'). Uiteindelik kom die saak voor die Administrateur van Suidwes-Afrika wat mnr Jackson se versoek, verder deur horn persoonlik toegelig by geleëntheid van ’n onderhoud, afkeur, maar die Administrateur word opgevolg deur mnr J van der Wath wat op 18 Desember 1968 toestaan en die spelling Nauzerus ook vir die bushalte in ere herstel. Nie omdat hy toe geweet het wat Nauzerus beteken nie, maar op ander gronde. Vir die grap word nog gesê dat die Administrateur in hierdie wyse en moedige besluit te doen gekry het met die verset van een van sy hoogste amptenare wat toe tog geklop is. Weer herinner ons daaraan dat dr Dove reeds opgemerk het dat NOUAS (alwaar) as pleknaam 'an verschiedenen Stellen vorkommt'. Dit is in sy opgawe ongetwyfeld dieselfde Nau-. By NAUCHAS 2316 kon ons ’n takkie van die boom kry en dit laat iden- tifiseer as 'n besemghwarrie (Euclea sp.). Indien korrek, dan vorm die Nau- of Nou-, die hoofbestanddeel van verskeie plekname, ook die bestanddeel van die eerste lid van Nauzerus.
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