
The cha - is the quantityuffix as in Nama XA = 'abundant, rich in', and the -B is here locative, 'the place', so the 'place of many mosquitoes', otherwise 'muggies'. Otherwise, the necessary said. Intermedies, interesting is the communication that the Tsawi in regions also the pepper tree (Schinus Molle) Benefine.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2314
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn TH 1879 Kaart 'Nanibexab' Ophoogte 23 ° 14 '14 ° 54'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Nanibechab (German Ururas)'. Moritz 1972 MS TOPNAARS 7 'German Ururas is called Nami Nanibechab, which means 'Mixing'. (Nanibeb = Miicke). Still today, especially Ostwind time, if you do under Dan Pfefferbaumen in the Rivier lunchtime, are so many little flies there, which also sting so that the place has just rightly. However, after the pepper tree is also called the place Tsawibes (Tsawibib on a map of 1912), Tsawi = pepper tree '.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Nanibexab' ophoogte 23° 14' 14° 54'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Nanibechab (Deutsch Ururas)'. Moritz 1972 ms Topnaars 7 'Deutsch Ururas heisst in Nama Nanibechab, das bedeutet ‘Miickenplatz’. (Nanibeb = Miicke). Noch heute, besonders Ostwind-Zeit, wenn man unter dan Pfefferbaumen im Rivier Mittagsrast macht, sind so viele kleine Fliegen dort, die auch stechen, so dass der Platz seinen Namen nur zu recht hat. Jedoch nach den Pfefferbaumen nennt man den Platz auch Tsawibes (Tsawibib auf einer Karte von 1912), Tsawi = Pfefferbaum'.
eng The cha - is the quantityuffix as in Nama XA = 'abundant, rich in', and the -B is here locative, 'the place', so the 'place of many mosquitoes', otherwise 'muggies'. Otherwise, the necessary said. Intermedies, interesting is the communication that the Tsawi in regions also the pepper tree (Schinus Molle) Benefine.
afr Die cha- is die hoeveelheidsuffiks soos in Nama xa = 'volop, ryk aan', en die -b is hier lokatief, 'die plek', dus die 'Plek van baie muskiete', anders 'muggies'. Origens is die nodige gesê. Tussen hakies, interessant is die mededeling dat die tsawi- in streke ook die peperboom (Schinus molle) benoern.
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