
It's about the old name of farm Mackenzie No 19 on the eastern shore of the Nossob. The spokesman is uncertain about the suction patch in front, is it the ╪ or the ǀ? It determines the meaning. We dare: an opinion. SWA Series 1976 Skin 2318 BD Cample Pan Scale 1:50 000 Give the neighboring farm on the eastern boundary of Mackenzie as 'Morester' No. 638. Morester was probably still Hinterland from Mackenzie, or of the old Kharaxas, and it bends the thought to Nama = bkarakha = 'The Beiden Hodensacke; the sog. 'Kapschen clouds' AM Südl. Sternhimmel '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 231). Tkhara- is the breeding ball. And the exit -Kha is the exit of the dualist ml. 3rd press., So that ╪kharakha will mean 'two (or: both) breeding balls', which is conveyed as image on the strong stability.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2318 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
(ou naam van Mackenzie)
eng Haacke Whg 1979 Education Planner Own List '= B Kharaxas or ǀ Khaaxas; Otto Black [The Informant] was not sure of the old name of farm McKenzie at Leonardville '
afr Haacke WHG 1979 Onderwysbeplanner Eie lys '=b Kharaxas of ǀKha- raxas; Otto Swart [die informant] was nie seker van die ou naam van plaas McKenzie by leonardville nie'
eng It's about the old name of farm Mackenzie No 19 on the eastern shore of the Nossob. The spokesman is uncertain about the suction patch in front, is it the ╪ or the ǀ? It determines the meaning. We dare: an opinion. SWA Series 1976 Skin 2318 BD Cample Pan Scale 1:50 000 Give the neighboring farm on the eastern boundary of Mackenzie as 'Morester' No. 638. Morester was probably still Hinterland from Mackenzie, or of the old Kharaxas, and it bends the thought to Nama = bkarakha = 'The Beiden Hodensacke; the sog. 'Kapschen clouds' AM Südl. Sternhimmel '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 231). Tkhara- is the breeding ball. And the exit -Kha is the exit of the dualist ml. 3rd press., So that ╪kharakha will mean 'two (or: both) breeding balls', which is conveyed as image on the strong stability.
afr Dit gaan oor die ou naam van plaas Mackenzie nr 19 aan die oostelike oewer van die Nossob. Die segsman is onseker oor die suigklap vooraan, is dit die ╪ of die ǀ? Dit bepaal die betekenis. Ons waag :n opinie. SWA- reeks 1976 vel 2318 BD Kameelpan skaal 1:50 000 gee die buurplaas aan die oostelike grens van Mackenzie aan as 'Morester' nr 638. Morester was waarskynlik nog Hinterland van Mackenzie, oftewel van die ou Kharaxas, en dit buig die gedagte na Nama =bkarakha = 'die beiden Hodensacke; die sog. ‘Kapschen Wolken' am Südl. Sternhimmel' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 231). TKhara- is die teelbal. en die uitgang -kha is die uitgang van die dualis ml. 3de pers., sodat ╪kharakha sal beteken 'Twee (of: albei die) teelballe', wat as beeld oorgedra word op die sterkonstellasie.
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