
We are confronted with a linguistic fact that is new to us. It deals with the verdict. In th a * 276, this name was also discussed, and there is no one of our spokesmen (Mr WHG Haacke) 1974 on the basis of one of those he consulted, 'Otto Swart, a Damara, gives as variation also Samasaris' . So we have been introduced to this four years ago without setting it central. The spelling of place names with cha - which we have phoned as (with Afrikaans values) GA, by nameworks today, in some cases, as SA or TSA, cf. o.a. Chamaites, so Chama is interpreted as eg. Tsamma or Samma, here by Mr. Kariseb as Sama = come together, and by the team of Mr Hanse as Sama = rise (from wind). Whether it's a younger dialectical disorder, just a continuation is of an old ruling that was heard badly by the whites and with a CH or with an X-written, we don't know. Probably it is a younger inclination among local Khoekhoense speakers. The Ingredient -Sari - again declared differently as SARI = 'DER BESUCH' (KR .. . However, the whites are unanimous, in so far as they were questioned by us whether we answered questionnaires, that Chama means 'lion'. Hahn th 1879 game the place 'Xamsaris' (in a ** As mentioned above). Between the possibilities of 'leechesy', 'lion-place', 'venue' and 'whirlwind' we cannot choose; There is Seifs to make a case for a statement with -Sari = substance as a basis, as we have many dunes and nearby farms have this ingredient in this meaning. In addition, the view of Mr Haacke Whg 1979 Education Planner note that Xamma (note the - (m) a) would refer to the object, so that the -ma - (m) -A supports the suspicion that S- AMA does not Phonological variation of xamma (for 'lion') is not, but a very different word. We believe the question is still open.

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S 2318 BC
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12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Chamasis', source to the Nossob, and in this spelling also on other cards. Von Finckenstein Ag 1973 Boer questionnaire 'Chamasaris is leisure. Cham is lion, Asaris is misinterpreted for face. The old natives tell of a big lion that was on the farm. One of them came down to him and looked at the beast in the big face: From that day on the place got the name of great face '. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Conversation 'The name is actually Chamiais [XAMMI AIS]: Leemesig'. Kariseb e 1977 Former Sergeant and Farmer Conversation 'Our names him Samasaris. I know. Samasaris is the place where old people have always come together. Sama is gathered, and Sari is visiting '. Hanse Sd 1977 and five other Khoekhoen of Leonardville conversation' In our language we called him Samasaris. It is whirlwind, the Saris. Where the whirlwind sometimes comes up '
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Chamasaris', bron aan die Nossob, en in hierdie spelling ook op ander kaarte. Von Finckenstein AG 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Chamasaris is leeugesig. Cham is leeu, asaris is foutief vertolk vir gesig. Die ou inboorlinge vertel van ’n groot leeu wat op die plaas was. Een van hulle het op hom afgekom en kyk die dier in die groot gesig: van daardie dag af het die plek die naam van groot gesig gekry'. Franzius Ch 1974 Boerin Gesprek 'Die naam is eintlik Chamiais [Xammi- ais]: leeugesig'. Kariseb E 1977 Oud-sersant en Boer Gesprek 'Ons noern hom Samasaris. Die ken ek. Samasaris is die plek waar die ou mense altyd bymekaarge- kom het. Sama is bymekaarkom, en sari is kuier'. Hanse SD 1977 en vyf ander Khoekhoen van leonardville Gesprek 'In ons taal het ons hom genoem Samasaris. Dit is warrelwind, die saris. Waar die warrelwind soms opkom'
eng We are confronted with a linguistic fact that is new to us. It deals with the verdict. In th a * 276, this name was also discussed, and there is no one of our spokesmen (Mr WHG Haacke) 1974 on the basis of one of those he consulted, 'Otto Swart, a Damara, gives as variation also Samasaris' . So we have been introduced to this four years ago without setting it central. The spelling of place names with cha - which we have phoned as (with Afrikaans values) GA, by nameworks today, in some cases, as SA or TSA, cf. o.a. Chamaites, so Chama is interpreted as eg. Tsamma or Samma, here by Mr. Kariseb as Sama = come together, and by the team of Mr Hanse as Sama = rise (from wind). Whether it's a younger dialectical disorder, just a continuation is of an old ruling that was heard badly by the whites and with a CH or with an X-written, we don't know. Probably it is a younger inclination among local Khoekhoense speakers. The Ingredient -Sari - again declared differently as SARI = 'DER BESUCH' (KR .. . However, the whites are unanimous, in so far as they were questioned by us whether we answered questionnaires, that Chama means 'lion'. Hahn th 1879 game the place 'Xamsaris' (in a ** As mentioned above). Between the possibilities of 'leechesy', 'lion-place', 'venue' and 'whirlwind' we cannot choose; There is Seifs to make a case for a statement with -Sari = substance as a basis, as we have many dunes and nearby farms have this ingredient in this meaning. In addition, the view of Mr Haacke Whg 1979 Education Planner note that Xamma (note the - (m) a) would refer to the object, so that the -ma - (m) -A supports the suspicion that S- AMA does not Phonological variation of xamma (for 'lion') is not, but a very different word. We believe the question is still open.
afr Ons word hier gekonfronteer met 'n taalkundige feit wat vir ons nuut is. Dit handel oor die uitspraak. In TH A* 276 is hierdie naam ook bespreek, en daar merk een van ons segsmanne (mnr WHG Haacke) 1974 op aan- gaande een van diegene wat hy geraadpleeg het, 'Otto Swart, ’n Damara, gee as variasie ook Samasaris'. Ons het dus al vier jaar gelede hiermee kennis gemaak sonder om dit sentraal te stel. Die spelling van plekname met Cha- wat ons gefoneer het as (met Afrikaanse waardes) Ga-, word deur Namasprekers van vandag in sommige gevalle verklank as Sa- of Tsa-, vgl. o.a. CHAMAITES, sodat Chama- daar vertolk word as bv. tsamma- of samma-, hier deur mnr Kariseb as sama = bymekaarkom, en deur die span van mnr Hanse as sama = opkom (van wind). Of dit ’n jonger dialektiese afwyking is, dan wel net ’n voortsetting is van ’n ou uitspraak wat deur die Blankes sleg gehoor is en met ’n Ch- of met ’n X- geskryf is, dit weet ons nie. Waarskynlik is dit 'n jonger neiging onder die plaaslike Khoekhoense sprekers. Die bestanddeel -sari- word weer verskillend verklaar as sari- = 'der Besuch' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 341) deur Kariseb, as sare- = 'der Wir- belwind' (Kr.-R. 341) deur Hanse. Die Blankes egter is weer eenparig, vir sover hulle deur ons ondervra is of ons vraelyste beantwoord het, dat Chama- beteken 'leeu'. Hahn Th 1879 spel die plek 'Xamsaris' (in A** soos hierbo vermeld). Tussen die moontlikhede van 'leeugesig', 'leeu- plek', 'Kuierplek' en 'Warrelwindplek' kan ons nie kies nie; daar is seifs ’n saak te maak vir 'n verklaring met -sari- = stof as grondslag, aangesien ons hier baie duine het en nabygeleë plase hierdie bestanddeel in hierdie betekenis het. Daarby kom nog die sienswyse van mnr Haacke WHG 1979 Onderwysbeplanner Aantekening dat xamma (let op die -(m)a) na die voorwerp sou verwys, sodat die -ma -(m)-a die vermoede ondersteun dat s- ama nie 'n fonologiese variasie van xamma (vir 'leeu') is nie, maar ’n heel ander woord. Ons meen dat die vraag nog oop is.
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