
Alexander's coordinates are about 2217/2218, but it undeniables the same mountain mass, western of Rehoboth. He declares directly with 'Roll Mount', Hahn and his followers indirectly with the tongue patch ǀǀ in front. Everyone gives the ground word (mostly stripped of his suction color) as Kara. 'Roll', of course, has many significance circles, if such as German 'rolls', then at Rust is given for Nama o.a. 'Gari (Walzen)' (1960 DNW 50). It doesn't sound like the correct word for the needed meaning. Also with Dr Hahn's return, we have problems. One can think of the first member to Nama 11kharu- = 'trichter' (Rust 1960 DNW 62), as Mr du Raan did, and it, with AM-S = mouth, committed to a name 'funnelmond / foot', e.g. For a complex opening in the mountain range, which then went as a name on the whole mountain. Impossible it is not, mis-- kien should we provisionally satisfy the return of the facts we have up to this

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317 BC/BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander Je 1837 Edia 2 154 'The Most Distant Mountain, A Blue Peak (Karubes Or Roll Mount) was subsequently Named ... After ... Myself ...' Hahn th 1879 map 'ǀǀ Kharube Ams Mt.' Vipert 1893 Card 'ǀǀ Karube Ams B.' Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Karubeams BGE.' And on other cards like on Kriegskarte T.O.v. The name itself. Du Raan RA 1978 Town Engineer Questionnaire 'ǀǀ Karabe AMS is funnel mouth'.
afr Alexander JE 1837 EDIA 2 154 'The most distant mountain, a blue peak (Karubees or Roll Mount) was subsequently named...after...myself...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀǀKharube ams Mt.' Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀǀKarube Ams B.' Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Karubeams Bge.' En op ander kaarte soos op Kriegskarte t.o.v. die naam self. Du Raan RA 1978 Dorpsingenieur Vraelys 'ǀǀKarabe Ams is tregter- mond'.
eng Alexander's coordinates are about 2217/2218, but it undeniables the same mountain mass, western of Rehoboth. He declares directly with 'Roll Mount', Hahn and his followers indirectly with the tongue patch ǀǀ in front. Everyone gives the ground word (mostly stripped of his suction color) as Kara. 'Roll', of course, has many significance circles, if such as German 'rolls', then at Rust is given for Nama o.a. 'Gari (Walzen)' (1960 DNW 50). It doesn't sound like the correct word for the needed meaning. Also with Dr Hahn's return, we have problems. One can think of the first member to Nama 11kharu- = 'trichter' (Rust 1960 DNW 62), as Mr du Raan did, and it, with AM-S = mouth, committed to a name 'funnelmond / foot', e.g. For a complex opening in the mountain range, which then went as a name on the whole mountain. Impossible it is not, mis-- kien should we provisionally satisfy the return of the facts we have up to this
afr Alexander se koördinate is ongeveer 2217/2218, maar dit slaan onteenseg- lik op dieselfde bergmassa, westelik van Rehoboth. Hy verklaar direk met 'Roll Mount', Hahn en sy volgelinge indirek met die tongklap ǀǀ vooraan. Almal gee die grondwoord aan (meestal ontdaan van sy suigmedeklinker) as Kara-. 'Roll' het natuurlik baie betekenissirkels, indien soos Duits 'rollen', dan by Rust word vir Nama aangegee o.a. 'gari (walzen)' (1960 DNW 50). Dit klink nie na die juiste woord vir die benodigde betekenis nie. Ook met dr Hahn se opgawe het ons probleme. Mens kan vir die eerste lid aan Nama 11kharu- = 'Trichter' (Rust 1960 DNW 62) dink, soos mnr Du Raan gedoen het, en dit, met am-s = mond, verbind tot 'n naam 'Tregtermond/bek', bv. vir ’n komvormige opening in die bergreeks, wat dan as naam op die hele berg oorgegaan het. Onmoontlik is dit nie, mis- kien moet ons ons voorlopig tevrede stel met die opgawe van die feite waaroor ons tot hiertoe beskik
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