
Three different places, a source, a stream and a river, two at Hahn who write them with first ingredient ╪aro- = shiny leaf watch-a-bit tree, ziziphus mucronatus; The second component at Horn is like Nama -Xa- = abundant, rich in, with the genus Manl. -B which is customary for location and rivers location. The 'location (-B) with many (-exa) waiting-a-bit trees (╪a-), sprout or river.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2317 AD, ook S 2219 DA/DC en (rivier:) S 2116/2115
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn th 1879 map '╪aroxab', creek east of Rehoboth on S317 DA / DC. Hahn th 1879 Aid. '^ Aoxab R.', walk from East in Khan River and by Karabib (now caribib) on S 2116 to 2115.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart '╪Aroxab', spruitjie oos van Rehoboth op S 2317 AD. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Arochab', dieselfde koördinate. Sprigade-Moisel aid. 'Arochab', bron aan pad en le suidoos van Gobabis op S 2219 DA/DC. Hahn Th 1879 aid. '^Aroxab R.', loop van ooste in Khanrivier en deur Karabib (nou Karibib) op S 2116 na 2115.
eng Location with many waiting-a-bit trees
afr Plek met baie wag-’n-bietjiebome
eng Three different places, a source, a stream and a river, two at Hahn who write them with first ingredient ╪aro- = shiny leaf watch-a-bit tree, ziziphus mucronatus; The second component at Horn is like Nama -Xa- = abundant, rich in, with the genus Manl. -B which is customary for location and rivers location. The 'location (-B) with many (-exa) waiting-a-bit trees (╪a-), sprout or river.
afr Drie verskillende plekke, ’n bron, ’n spruit en ’n rivier, twee by Hahn wat hulle skryf met eerste bestanddeel ╪aro- = blinkblaarwag-’n-bietjieboom, Ziziphus mucronatus; die tweede komponent by horn is soos Nama -xa- = volop, ryk aan, met die genus manl. -b wat gebruiklik vir lokativering van spruite en riviere is. Die 'Plek (-b) met baie (-xa-) wag-’n-bietjiebome (╪a- ro-)', spruit of rivier by te dink.
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