
The name of a voltage at a source on the draw road often occurs, located west of Rehoboth. It was a fulcrum for the Namas among Jonker and other chiefs of them. It comes as a name early, also on maps (cf. Richter 1845), and is well-built. It also went as a name on the mountain at the source. Cook's recording preserves in Siberis the second member still full, beri, currently Piri-B = goat, as declared by Hahn 1901; The first member is apparently a contraction of what appears in Nama at Rust 1960 DNW 76 as a first component for 'Kastrierst Ziegenbock' as Tsou-Birib. This word has already been recorded in 1691 (cf. Hott 224, there t'cho and Tchoe). 'Kapaterbokfontein'.

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S 2316 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Cook EDW 1840 Letter Mortiz 28/4 239 'Auszug Eines Briefes Aus Siberis, Jonker Afrikaners Platz ...', and footnote of Moritz hereby 'Tsebris, Westlich von Rehoboth'; Cook was then Wesleyan missionary to Warmbad SWA, viz. of 1834-42. Kleinchmidt FH 1842 Tagebuch Moritz 28/4 254 'Den 1 October Kamen Wir Ins Feld Von Fibris von Wed Jonker Vor Kurzem Disposable Ist', Moritz footnote 'Tsebris', and 'fibris' writing error for 'Sibris'. The same 1857 QUELEN 20 68 'Nach Zibris ...' Hahn th 1879 card 'Tsebris' to creek, and on other cards. Surveying SWA S.J. 'Tsebris mountain', 16 km northwest of Rehoboth. Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 136 'Tsau-Birib, der Castriere Ziegenbock, Kapater', contracted to 'Tsebris'. There on 104 'Biris, Ziegen' found in '╪Khoaberib, Tsebris. The Beiden Orte Liege Nae Beieinander ... '
afr Cook Edw 1840 Brief Mortiz 28/4 239 'Auszug eines Briefes aus Siberis, Jonker Afrikaners Platz...', en voetnoot van Moritz hierby 'Tsebris, westlich von Rehoboth'; Cook was toe nog Wesleyaanse sendeling te Warmbad SWA, nl. van 1834-42. Kleinschmidt FH 1842 Tagebuch Moritz 28/4 254 'Den 1. Oktober kamen wir ins Feld von Fibris von wo Jonker vor kurzem weggezogen ist', voetnoot van Moritz 'Tsebris', en 'Fibris' skryffout vir 'Sibris'. Dieselfde 1857 Quellen 20 68 'Nach Zibris gezogen...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Tsebris' aan spruitjie, en op ander kaarte. Opmeting- SWA s.j. 'Tsebris-berg', 16 km noordwes van Rehoboth. Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 136 'Tsau-birib, der castrierte Ziegenbock, kapater', saamgetrek tot 'Tsebris'. Aldaar op 104 'Biris, Ziegen' wat voorkom in ' ╪Khoaberib, Tsebris. Die beiden Orte liegen nahe beieinander...'
eng The name of a voltage at a source on the draw road often occurs, located west of Rehoboth. It was a fulcrum for the Namas among Jonker and other chiefs of them. It comes as a name early, also on maps (cf. Richter 1845), and is well-built. It also went as a name on the mountain at the source. Cook's recording preserves in Siberis the second member still full, beri, currently Piri-B = goat, as declared by Hahn 1901; The first member is apparently a contraction of what appears in Nama at Rust 1960 DNW 76 as a first component for 'Kastrierst Ziegenbock' as Tsou-Birib. This word has already been recorded in 1691 (cf. Hott 224, there t'cho and Tchoe). 'Kapaterbokfontein'.
afr Die naam van 'n uitspanning by ’n bron aan die trekpad kom dikwels voor, geleë westelik van Rehoboth. Dit was ’n steunpunt vir die Namas onder Jonker en ander hoofmanne van hulle. Dit kom as naam vroeg voor, ook op kaarte (vgl. Richter 1845), en is goed oorgelêwer. Dit het ook oorgegaan as naam op die berg by die bron. Cook se optekening bewaar in Siberis die tweede lid nog voluit, beri-, tans piri-b = bok, soos verklaar deur Hahn 1901; die eerste lid is volgens Hahn klaarblyklik ’n sametrekking van wat in Nama by Rust 1960 DNW 76 as eerste komponent vir 'kastrierter Ziegenbock' voorkom as tsou-birib. Hierdie woord is reeds in 1691 opgeteken (vgl. HOTT 224, daar t’cho en tchoe). 'Kapaterbokfontein'.
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